Relazione tra Launch Pad e Astronaut links to Astronaut Relation between Launch Pad and Astronaut avion aircraft αεροσκάφος language langage 100.0 scientifique Wissenschaftler scientist Relation between Launch Pad and Chemical Compound links to Chemical Compound Relazione tra Launch Pad e Chemical Compound station spatiale space station Relation between Launch Pad and City Relazione tra Launch Pad e City links to City spacecraft vaisseau spatial Relation between Launch Pad and Space Station links to Space Station Relazione tra Launch Pad e Space Station Person person pessoa personne links to Language Relazione tra Launch Pad e Language Relation between Launch Pad and Language LaunchPad Encyclopedic Knowledge Pattern To represent the encyclopedic knowledge expressed by an object typed as LaunchPad Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese Valentina Presutti Aldo Gangemi acteur Schauspieler actor moyen de transport mean of transportation links to Space Shuttle Relazione tra Launch Pad e Space Shuttle Relation between Launch Pad and Space Shuttle Relazione tra Launch Pad e Museum Relation between Launch Pad and Museum links to Museum links to Office Holder Relation between Launch Pad and Office Holder Relazione tra Launch Pad e Office Holder Relazione tra Launch Pad e Scientist Relation between Launch Pad and Scientist links to Scientist περιοχή lieu place lugar Astronaut astronaute astronaut work obra travail links to Aircraft Relazione tra Launch Pad e Aircraft Relation between Launch Pad and Aircraft office holder Amtsinhaber titulaire ship navire museum musée website site web Ιστότοπος film ταινία film infrastructure infrastructure city cité links to Spacecraft Relazione tra Launch Pad e Spacecraft Relation between Launch Pad and Spacecraft space shuttle navette spatiale links to Actor Relation between Launch Pad and Actor Relazione tra Launch Pad e Actor links to Website Relation between Launch Pad and Website Relazione tra Launch Pad e Website rampe de lancement launch pad Relazione tra Launch Pad e Ship links to Ship Relation between Launch Pad and Ship chemical compound produit chimique Relation between Launch Pad and Film links to Film Relazione tra Launch Pad e Film links to Road Relation between Launch Pad and Road Relazione tra Launch Pad e Road sénateur senator road route Relation between Launch Pad and Senator Relazione tra Launch Pad e Senator links to Senator