World Heritage Site site du patrimoine mondial has Mountain Relazione tra Archaea e Mountain Relation between Archaea and Mountain has Plant Relation between Archaea and Plant Relazione tra Archaea e Plant Relazione tra Archaea e Country has Country Relation between Archaea and Country Relazione tra Archaea e Bacteria Relation between Archaea and Bacteria has Bacteria planète planet has Book Relation between Archaea and Book Relazione tra Archaea e Book language langage disease maladie archées archaea bacteria bactérie Relation between Archaea and Mammal Relazione tra Archaea e Mammal has Mammal scientist Wissenschaftler scientifique lake lac Relazione tra Archaea e Disease has Disease Relation between Archaea and Disease Relazione tra Archaea e Scientist has Scientist Relation between Archaea and Scientist région administrative administrative region Relation between Archaea and Administrative Region Relazione tra Archaea e Administrative Region has Administrative Region Relation between Archaea and Anatomical Structure Relazione tra Archaea e Anatomical Structure has Anatomical Structure plant plante Relation between Archaea and Island has Island Relazione tra Archaea e Island pays country Staat χώρα Archaea Encyclopedic Knowledge Pattern Valentina Presutti Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese To represent the encyclopedic knowledge expressed by an object typed as Archaea Aldo Gangemi insecte insect mammal mammifère Relazione tra Archaea e Planet Relation between Archaea and Planet has Planet île island νησί Βουνό montagne mountain has University Relation between Archaea and University Relazione tra Archaea e University has Insect Relation between Archaea and Insect Relazione tra Archaea e Insect has Lake Relazione tra Archaea e Lake Relation between Archaea and Lake Relation between Archaea and World Heritage Site Relazione tra Archaea e World Heritage Site has World Heritage Site Relation between Archaea and Language Relazione tra Archaea e Language has Language anatomical structure structure anatomique university πανεπιστήμιο université book llibre książka βιβλίο livre