has Ginkgo Relation between Gnetophytes and Ginkgo Relazione tra Gnetophytes e Ginkgo ethnic group groupe ethnique Relazione tra Gnetophytes e Cycad Relation between Gnetophytes and Cycad has Cycad Relation between Gnetophytes and Chemical Compound has Chemical Compound Relazione tra Gnetophytes e Chemical Compound langage language has Flowering Plant Relation between Gnetophytes and Flowering Plant Relazione tra Gnetophytes e Flowering Plant has Mountain Range Relation between Gnetophytes and Mountain Range Relazione tra Gnetophytes e Mountain Range Relazione tra Gnetophytes e Mammal has Mammal Relation between Gnetophytes and Mammal médicament drug cycadophytes cycad gnétophytes Gnetophytes Relazione tra Gnetophytes e Fungus Relation between Gnetophytes and Fungus has Fungus cité city mammifère mammal flowering plant angiospermes chemical compound produit chimique has Drug Relation between Gnetophytes and Drug Relazione tra Gnetophytes e Drug Relation between Gnetophytes and Language Relazione tra Gnetophytes e Language has Language Relation between Gnetophytes and Conifer Relazione tra Gnetophytes e Conifer has Conifer Valentina Presutti Gnetophytes Encyclopedic Knowledge Pattern Aldo Gangemi Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese To represent the encyclopedic knowledge expressed by an object typed as Gnetophytes Relazione tra Gnetophytes e City has City Relation between Gnetophytes and City Relazione tra Gnetophytes e Beverage has Beverage Relation between Gnetophytes and Beverage fungi fungus Relation between Gnetophytes and Ethnic Group has Ethnic Group Relazione tra Gnetophytes e Ethnic Group chaîne de montagne mountain range ginkgo ginkgo conifer conifères boisson beverage