1 has University Relation between Lunar Crater and University Relazione tra Lunar Crater e University Relation between Lunar Crater and City Relazione tra Lunar Crater e City has City ethnic group groupe ethnique Relation between Lunar Crater and Governor Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Governor has Governor Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Language has Language Relation between Lunar Crater and Language rocket fusée émission de télévision television show has British Royalty Relation between Lunar Crater and British Royalty Relazione tra Lunar Crater e British Royalty album Album album has Broadcast Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Broadcast Relation between Lunar Crater and Broadcast 1 χρώμα couleur colour Relation between Lunar Crater and Military Person has Military Person Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Military Person Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Journalist Relation between Lunar Crater and Journalist has Journalist acteur Schauspieler actor 1 has Television Show Relation between Lunar Crater and Television Show Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Television Show Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Award has Award Relation between Lunar Crater and Award Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Flowering Plant Relation between Lunar Crater and Flowering Plant has Flowering Plant Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Rocket has Rocket Relation between Lunar Crater and Rocket astronaut astronaute Astronaut writer écrivain Relation between Lunar Crater and Philosopher has Philosopher Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Philosopher 26 Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Book Relation between Lunar Crater and Book has Book cité city Βουνό montagne mountain LunarCrater Encyclopedic Knowledge Pattern Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese Aldo Gangemi To represent the encyclopedic knowledge expressed by an object typed as LunarCrater Valentina Presutti Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Album Relation between Lunar Crater and Album has Album space shuttle navette spatiale 2 Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Space Mission Relation between Lunar Crater and Space Mission has Space Mission angiospermes flowering plant 1 senator sénateur saint saint Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Country Relation between Lunar Crater and Country has Country Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Actor has Actor Relation between Lunar Crater and Actor Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Administrative Region has Administrative Region Relation between Lunar Crater and Administrative Region 7 Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Prime Minister has Prime Minister Relation between Lunar Crater and Prime Minister has Historic Place Relation between Lunar Crater and Historic Place Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Historic Place livre βιβλίο llibre książka book 20 langage language 1 Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Saint Relation between Lunar Crater and Saint has Saint Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Band has Band Relation between Lunar Crater and Band has Film Relation between Lunar Crater and Film Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Film has Colour Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Colour Relation between Lunar Crater and Colour has Monarch Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Monarch Relation between Lunar Crater and Monarch Relation between Lunar Crater and Space Shuttle has Space Shuttle Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Space Shuttle has Mountain Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Mountain Relation between Lunar Crater and Mountain Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Astronaut Relation between Lunar Crater and Astronaut has Astronaut logiciel software has Comics Character Relation between Lunar Crater and Comics Character Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Comics Character monarch monarque has Ethnic Group Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Ethnic Group Relation between Lunar Crater and Ethnic Group gouverneur governor région administrative administrative region space mission διαστημική αποστολή mission spatiale journalist journaliste magazine περιοδικό magazine broadcast Émission de télévision has Island Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Island Relation between Lunar Crater and Island χώρα Staat country pays 2 Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Senator has Senator Relation between Lunar Crater and Senator film ταινία film Relation between Lunar Crater and Writer has Writer Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Writer 4 militaire military person νησί island île philosophe philosopher award récompense royauté Britannique British royalty prime minister premier ministre personnage de bandes dessinées comics character 1 historic place site historique Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Magazine has Magazine Relation between Lunar Crater and Magazine cratère lunaire lunar crater Band groupe de musique Musikgruppe banda Relation between Lunar Crater and Software Relazione tra Lunar Crater e Software has Software université πανεπιστήμιο university