has Actor Relation between Volleyball League and Actor Relazione tra Volleyball League e Actor Relazione tra Volleyball League e Newspaper has Newspaper Relation between Volleyball League and Newspaper Relation between Volleyball League and Language Relazione tra Volleyball League e Language has Language military conflict conflit militaire émission de télévision television show langage language Relazione tra Volleyball League e Administrative Region has Administrative Region Relation between Volleyball League and Administrative Region personne pessoa person Person volleyball league ligue de volleyball has Person Relation between Volleyball League and Person Relazione tra Volleyball League e Person basketball team Relation between Volleyball League and Beverage has Beverage Relazione tra Volleyball League e Beverage Relation between Volleyball League and Television Show Relazione tra Volleyball League e Television Show has Television Show actor Schauspieler acteur journal newspaper Relazione tra Volleyball League e Military Conflict Relation between Volleyball League and Military Conflict has Military Conflict stadium stade Relation between Volleyball League and Basketball Team Relazione tra Volleyball League e Basketball Team has Basketball Team administrative region région administrative Relazione tra Volleyball League e Stadium Relation between Volleyball League and Stadium has Stadium boisson beverage Valentina Presutti Aldo Gangemi To represent the encyclopedic knowledge expressed by an object typed as VolleyballLeague Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese VolleyballLeague Encyclopedic Knowledge Pattern