Odp:Groups members
From Odp
Contents |
Quality committee
Members of the QualityCommittee group make reviews about Submissions and assures the quality of the official catalogueinfo.pngOnly users wich page User:Username has been created will compare in those lists! :
- Admin
- AlanRector
- AlanRuttenberg
- AldoGangemi
- AlessandroAdamou
- AndreaNuzzolese
- AnsgarScherp
- AsuncionGomezPerez
- BarrySmith
- BenedictoRodriguezCastro
- BorisVillazón-Terrazas
- CatherineRoussey
- ChrisWelty
- Danbri
- DennyVrandecic
- EnricoMotta
- EvaBlomqvist
- FrancoisScharffe
- GerdGroener
- GuusSchreiber
- HenrikEriksson
- HolgerLewen
- JeffPan
- JoseEmilioLabraGayo
- JoseManuelGomez
- KarlHammar
- KurtSandkuhl
- LaurentLefort
- LuZhou
- LuigiIannone
- MariCarmenSuarezFigueroa
- MariaPoveda
- MarkMusen
- MartaSabou
- MathieuDAquin
- MichaelGruninger
- MichaelUschold
- OlafNoppens
- PaoloBouquet
- PierluigiMiraglia
- Pierre-YvesVandenbussche … further results
CP Publishers
Members of the CPPublishers group create new entries in the Ontology Design Pattern's Catalogue by certifying Content OP Proposalsinfo.pngOnly users wich page User:Username has been created will compare in those lists! :
- Admin
- AldoGangemi
- AnsgarScherp
- EvaBlomqvist
- KarlHammar
- LaurentLefort
- LuZhou
- MichaelGruninger
- MichaelUschold … further results
Editorial Board
Members of the Editorial board group enhance ODP portal content, navigation, usabilityinfo.pngOnly users wich page User:Username has been created will compare in those lists! :
- Admin
- AlGanjemo
- AldoGangemi
- AndreaNuzzolese
- AnsgarScherp
- BorisVillazón-Terrazas
- EnricoDaga
- EvaBlomqvist
- FrancoisScharffe
- GerdGroener
- HolgerLewen
- KarlHammar
- LaurentLefort
- LuZhou
- LuigiIannone
- MariCarmenSuarezFigueroa
- Marie-AudeAUFAURE
- MartaSabou
- MichaelGruninger
- MichaelUschold
- OlafNoppens
- PascalHitzler … further results
Members of the Bureaucrats group can create new users and manage rights and permissions of ODP portalinfo.pngOnly users wich page User:Username has been created will compare in those lists! :