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CoversRequirement This property indicates a competency question expressed in natural language, that is covered by the Content Ontology Design Pattern. The value of this property is of type Text.

This property is a subproperty of Property:PatternProblem.

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Pages using the property "CoversRequirement"

Showing 25 pages using this property.


GearVessel +what vessel type can equip what gear type?
GearWaterArea +in which water areas are what gear types used?
GoodRelations +Which retrievable Web Resources describes Which retrievable Web Resources describes an offer * {to sell; to provide the service of; to repair; to maintain; to lease out; to dispose} * {a concrete individual; some unknown individuals} of * a {given good; given service; spare part for a given good; consumables and supplies for a given good} described by a {type of good; specific make and model} * that meet certain requirements on {properties; intervals for properties} * for which the offering party accepts a given method of payment and * provides a certain method of delivery * to {consumers; retailers} * in a given {country; region}? retailers} * in a given {country; region}?


HasPest +Which organism cause damage to a particular plant or animal?
HazardousSituation +What object (person or organization or equipment etc.) is exposed to a hazard?, To which hazard is exposed an object (person or organization or equipment etc.)?, Which hazardous events are associated with a hazardous situation?,


Identity of Resources on the Web +-
Information realization +what are the physical realizations of this information object?, what information objects are realized by this physical object?
IntensionExtension +What is the meaning of an information object?, What information objects express this meaning?, What is this about?,
Invoice +What are the transactions involved in this invoice?, What is the order this invoice is referring to?, What is the line item for this invoice?,


LCA Pattern +Is a certain flow a reference product?, What is the location of an activity?
LIR +What is the sense of this term?, What is the source for this lexical entry?, What is the possible translation in a certain language for a certain expression?,
LMM +What is the meaning of this word/term/sentence? What is this expression about? What is the context of this utterance? What semantic descriptions exist of this entity?
List +What are the items (elements) in this list?, What is the length (size) of this list?, What is the first/last item in this list?,
Literal Reification +What is the context in which entities refer to a particular literal value?, What is the meaning of a particular value considering the context in which it is used?


Map Legend Ontology +What are the common symbol resources to represent highway transportation systems? Which maps show places with a population density larger than 1000 people per square miles? Which maps contain both Ski Areas and Camping Areas?
Material Transformation +What material resources were required to produce a product?, Where did the transformation take place?, What was the time necessary for the transformation?,
MaterialsProperty +What is the temperature range where an ultimate tensile strength of x is valid for material y?, What materials give off a faint odor of burnt hair during a burn test?, Who established values in the range of x to y as the plane-strain fracture toughness for material z?,
Media Value Chain Ontology +Who is the rights holder of this intellectual property protected work? If this is a derived, work... where does it derive from? Which kind of intellectual property has this object? Which role plays this person respecting this intellectual property protected object?
Metonymy-species-commodity +For which commodity is the species used when caught?
ModifiedHazardousSituation +What is the consequence of exposing a particular object to a particular hazard for a particular amount of time?, What are the hazards to a particular object at a particular geographic location?, What hazards are capable of causing a given consequence?,
Musicalobject +what is the fundamental frequency of a musical object?, what are the different frequencies that make up the spectrum of a musical object?, what is the duration in seconds of a musical object,


Nary Participation +What are the participants in that event at this time?, What events had what participants in that location?
NewsReportingEvent +What aspects of an actual event were presented in the news message?, Who reported an actual event? Which news provider they represented?, When was a certain actual event reported for the first time?,
Notepattern +what is the name of a note?, what part of the score does a note belong to?, what are the dynamic indications referring to a note in the score?,


OOPMetrics +What are the software metrics for a particular project/package/class/method? Knowing the software metrics, is there a design-flaw in the software system?, Care sunt metricile soft pentru un anumit proiect/pachet/clasa/metoda? Cunoscand metricile soft,
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