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Description. This property indicates a brief description of the entity it refers to. The value of this property is of type Text.

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Pages using the property "Description"

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AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/isUseOf +Y <is use of> X. {Use} Y <is_use_ Y <is use of> X. {Use} Y <is_use_of> {Taxon} X. Use this in a plant domain. - {use} Y <is_use_of> {chemical substance} X. Use this for chemical substance. E.g.: "fruit" <is use of> "apple"; "cleaner" <is use of> "alcohol"; "pesticide" <is use of> "ddt"; hol"; "pesticide" <is use of> "ddt";
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/isUsedAs +X <is used as> Y. {Taxon} X <is u X <is used as> Y. {Taxon} X <is used as> {use} Y. Use this in a plant domain. - {chemical substance} X <is used as> {use} Y. Use this for chemical substance. E.g.: "apple" <is used as> "fruit"; "alcohol" <is used as> "cleaner"; "ddt" <is used as> "pesticide"; er"; "ddt" <is used as> "pesticide";
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/isUsedToMake +Y <is used to make> X. A substance or a product Y from which a product X can be mainly (in terms of importance) obtained. E.g. "cow milk" <is used to make> "cheddar cheese"; "hops" <is used to make> "beer" (see <composed_of>);
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/objectProperty +Root Property for all object properties. Introduced in order to make querying and organization of properties easier.
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/spatiallyIncludes +X <spatially includes> Y. Part X is an inalienable part of Y. E.g. "Africa" <spatially includes> "Congo"; "Asia" <spatially includes> "Southeast Asia"; "arm" <spatially includes> "hand";
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/takenFromSource +The source (website, dictionary, thesaurus, classification scheme, terminology system, etc.) where the definition has been taken from.
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/thesaurusRelationship +for backward compatibility to thesauri
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/use +relationship to keep track of the thesaurus UF+ (used for +) relationships
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/usedForPlus +relationship to import the thesaurus UF+ (used for +) relationships
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/usesProcess +Y <uses process> X. One or more actions, activities, methods X that produce a change or development Y. E.g.: "fruit cleaning" <uses process> "sterilization";
ATC Ontology +The ontology is a representation of the ATC classification provided by WHO used for the classification of drugs
AcademicRoles +I need to represent people of the academic staff. Each person can play different roles in different contexts.
Academy +''(New Oxford American Dictionary)'' A soc ''(New Oxford American Dictionary)'' A society or institution of distinguished scholars, artists, or scientists, that aims to promote and maintain standards in its particular field. ''(Academia - Wikipedia)'' Academia is a collective term for the scientific and cultural community engaged in higher education and research, taken as a whole. education and research, taken as a whole.
ActingFor/Agent +Any agentive Object , either physical (e.g Any agentive Object , either physical (e.g. a whale, a robot, an oak), or social (e.g. a corporation, an institution, a community). Additional comment: a computational agent can be considered as a PhysicalAgent that realizes a certain class of algorithms (that can be considered as instances of InformationObject) that allow to obtain some behaviors that are considered typical of agents in general. For an ontology of computational objects based on DOLCE see e.g. and, and wl, and
ActingFor/SocialAgent +Any individual whose existence is granted simply by its social communicability and capability of action (through some PhysicalAgent).
ActingFor/actsFor +The relation holding between any Agent, an The relation holding between any Agent, and a SocialAgent. In principle, a SocialAgent requires at least one PhysicalAgent in order to act, but this dependency can be 'delegated'; e.g. a university can be acted for by a department, which on its turm is acted for by physical agents. its turm is acted for by physical agents.
ActingFor/actsThrough +The relation holding between a PhysicalAge The relation holding between a PhysicalAgent and a SocialAgent. In principle, a SocialAgent requires at least one PhysicalAgent in order to act, but this dependency can be 'delegated', e.g. a university can be acted for by a department, which is acted for by physical agents. nt, which is acted for by physical agents.
Action/Abandoned action +An abandoned action is an action which is no longer going to be performed, regardless if it was previously just proposed or actually partly implemented. An abandoned action could be seen as an action that is permanently suspended.
Action/Action +The process of doing something. An action The process of doing something. An action is performed by an agent. An action can be proposed (proposed actions make up a plan), implemented or abandoned, and it has a status and possibly one or more suspension periods. Actions can have consequences and can be dependent on other actions, e.g. the action of pouring water from a cup is dependent on the action to first fill the cup with water. e action to first fill the cup with water.
Action/Action status +The different values the status of an action can take. A possible set of status values could be {proposed, ongoing, completed, abandoned}.
Action/Completed action +A completed action is an implemented action that has also been finalized.
Action/Implemented action +An implemented action is an action that has been started.
Action/Performance duration +The time interval within which an action is performed.
Action/Plan +A set of proposed actions and the sequence in which to perform them.
Action/Proposed action +A proposed action is an action that is in some plan, whether the plan is accepted or shared between agents or not. Proposed actions can be abandoned or implemented.
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