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HasIntent This property describes the goal of the Ontology Design Pattern. Its value is of type Text.

This property is a subproperty of PatternProblem

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Pages using the property "HasIntent"

Showing 25 pages using this property.


ClimaticZone +The intent of the pattern is to be able to represent climatic zones for aquatic resources.
Co-participation +To represent two objects that both participate in a same event.
MicroblogEntry +Provide a core pattern for capturing information related to microblog entries (e.g. twitter, instagram, facebook, etc.)
Collection +To represent domain (not set theory) membership.
CollectionEntity +To represent collections, and their entities, i.e. to represent membership.
CommunicationEvent +To model communication events, such as phone calls, e-mails and meetings, their involved parties and the roles and relations of the parties in the context of the communication events.
Communities +-
Componency +To represent (non-transitively) that objects either are proper parts of other objects, or have proper parts.
ComputationalEnvironment +The pattern is intended to support comparison and reproducibility of computational analyses.
Computer System +The pattern intends to model computer syst The pattern intends to model computer systems based on a hardware/software approach. This pattern has been developed by [ MKLab] at CERTH/ITI and [ Tate] for the [ PERICLES] FP7 project. PERICLES] FP7 project.
ConceptGroup +This CP allows designers to represent concept group defined by intention (all concepts satisfying group membership condition) or by extension (all concepts referring a group).
ConceptTerms +This CP allows designers to represent join This CP allows designers to represent jointly conceptual and linguistic part of a vocabulary. The pattern purpose is not to encompass all linguistic complexity as Linginfo or LMF does, but to describe linguistic information in more details than SKOS which names concept whith simple labels. S which names concept whith simple labels.
Constituency +To represent the constituents of a layered structure.
ContextualizedWinstonPartWhole +To provide a contextualized version of the WinstonPartWhole pattern.
Controlflow +To represent control flows: activation, branching, decisions, concurrency, etc.
CountingAs +-
Course +The aim of this content ontology design patterns-Course Pattern- is to model the core attributes of a course and the basic relationships of the course in an educational institution.
Criterion +The purpose of this pattern is to provide a basis for criteria modeling. For more advanced use see the 'criterion setter' pattern that enables describing entities that define criteria (such as requirements, constraints etc.).
CriterionSetter +The purpose of this pattern is to provide The purpose of this pattern is to provide a broader context for criteria modeling. Possible specializations could introduce new kinds of criteria setters representing criteria in detailed contexts (for example: a pattern for describing the success/failure condition for some actions). Possible criteria setters may include requirements, recommendations, constraints etc. rements, recommendations, constraints etc.
CyclicSubClassOf +Sometimes there are several syntactical fo Sometimes there are several syntactical forms (e.g. syntactical sugar) with the same logical meaning. Refactoring patterns can transform one form to another, they are independant of a specific domain. A explicitly defined cyclic SubClassOf chain is more difficult to discover and understand by a human than an EquivalentClassAxiom. Because it is explicitly defined there is not any dange in replacing it with an (explicitly defined) EquivalentClassAxioms. explicitly defined) EquivalentClassAxioms.


DataTransformationPattern +TBD
Description +To formally represent a conceptualization or a descriptive context.
Description in Range +This pattern allows one to range the conceptualization of a descriptive context within specific borders defined by means of literal values.
DetectorFinalState +This pattern represent schematic model for high-energy physics experiment data.
DigitalVideo +The pattern intends to model digital video The pattern intends to model digital video files, their components and other associated entities, such as codecs and containers. This pattern has been developed by [ MKLab] at CERTH/ITI for the [ PERICLES] FP7 project. PERICLES] FP7 project.
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