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OWLBuildingBlock This property indicates the URI of a file containing the OWL implementation of the Content Ontology Design Pattern, i.e. the reusable component available for download. This is a property of type URL.

This property is a subproperty of PatternReusableComponent.

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Pages using the property "OWLBuildingBlock"

Showing 25 pages using this property.


AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model +  +
ActingFor +  +
Action +  +
ActivitySpecification +  +
Actuation-Actuator-Effect +  +
AffectedBy +  +
Affordance +  +
AgentRole +  +
Airline +  +
Airline.owl +  +
AlgorithmImplementationExecution +  +
An Ontology Design Pattern for Activity Reasoning +  +
AquaticResourceObservation +  +
AquaticResources +  +
GeoInsight +  +


Bag +  +
BasicPlan +  +
BasicPlanExecution +  +
Bias Event Pattern +  +
Biological Entities +  +
Born Digital Archives +  +


Complaint Design Pattern +  +
CatchRecord +  +
ChessGame +  +
City Resident Pattern +  +
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