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*Species **hasHabitat:str ****give me the species having a "demersal" habitat in water area "24" (see [[Community:hasHabitat]]) **hasSynonyms:str ****give me the synonyms and localnames for species "Ostrica gigas" **canBeConfusedWith:species ****give me the species with which species "Ostrica gigas" can be confused. **bathymetry:range ****give me the species found below 200 metres for water area 24 **feedsUpon:Species ****give me the species that eat "shrimp" **preyedUponBy:Species** ****give me the species eaten by "seals". **caughtByGear:Geartype ****give me the species caught using "bottom gillnets" ****in which water areas are "bottom gillnets" used? **caughtByVessel:Vesseltype ****give me the species caught using "gillneters" ****in which water areas are "gillneters" used? **localNames:str ****give me the species containing local name "oyster" **conservationStatus:str ****give me the species for which conservation status contains "Vulnerable" *Aquatic Resource **resourceRTMS:int **hasSpecies:Species ****Give me the Species for water area 24. **hasWaterArea:WaterArea ****Give me the Water areas for species "Gadus morhua" *Aquatic Resource Observation **hasResource:resource **referenceYear:date ****Give me the resource observations for the year 2004. **exploitationRate:enum ****Give me the resource observations where the exploitation rate is "Moderate fishing mortality" **exploitationState:enum ****Give me the resource observations where the state is "fully exploited" **abundanceLevel:enum ****Give me the resource observations where the abundance level is "Low abundance" **jurisdictionalDistribution:enum ****Give me the resource observations where the jurisdictional distribution is "Highly migratory" **climaticZone:enum ****Give me the resource observations where the zone is "Tropical" **verticalDist:enum ****Give me the resource observations where the vertical distance (vdist) is "Pelagic" *Geartype **targetSpecies:Species ****Give me the gears targeting species "tuna" **incidentalSpecies:Species ****Give me the gears which incidentally catch species "dolphins" *Vesseltype **usesGeartype:Geartype ****Give me the vesseltypes that use "trawls"
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