Ontology: Ontology:SNomenclature Ontology

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Name info.pngEnter the name of the exemplary ontology. This field is associated with the property Name This property indicates a name for the entity it is associated with. The value of this property is of type String. :
Organisation(s) info.pngList organization(s) separated by a comma. This field is associated with the property Organization Relates the major organization(s) associated with an ontology. This may be who owns and controls the ontology, the organization(s) managing associated projects, or where most of the work was or is being done. This is a property of type String. :
Author(s) info.pngList the major authors and contributors that helped create the ontology; separated by a comma. This field is associated with the property OntologyAuthor Indicates who authored significant portions of the ontology. This is a property of type String. :
Description info.pngGive a concise description or abstract of the ontology, highlighting what is most important. This field is associated with the property Description. This property indicates a brief description of the entity it refers to. The value of this property is of type Text. :

Purpose info.pngIndicate the intended purpose of the ontology. This field is associated with the property OntologyPurpose Brief description of what the ontology is for and what the intended benefits are to whom. This is a property of type Text. :
OntologyURI info.pngGive a URI of where the ontology file may be found. This field is associated with the property OntologyURI. This property relates an exemplary ontology URI of its implementation. This is a property of type URL. :
Long description info.pngGive a more detailed description of the ontology. Highlight key elements of its structure and content; indicate how much use it is getting from whom. Enter or paste as much text as you need. HINT: to place large amounts of nicely formatted text, cut and paste it into a word processor that exports to wiki format (e.g. OpenOffice Writer). Then paste it into the field. Converting to wiki format. This field is associated with the property Long Description. This property contains a longer description of the entity it refers to than is given in the property Description. This is a property of type Text. :
Justification info.pngSay why this ontology is exemplary. This field is associated with the property Justification This property is used to give a justification for why an ontology has been selected as an exemplary ontology. This is a property of type Text. :
Recommended byinfo.pngYou can add a list of individuals separated by comma. This field is associated with the property RecommendedBy This property allows someone to recommend an exemplary ontology and have someone else author it. The latter individual directly interacts with the ODP Wiki and creates an exemplary ontology entry. This is a property of type String. :
Competency questions info.pngYou can add a list of questions separated by comma. This field is associated with the property CompetencyQuestion. This property indicates the one or more questions you want your knowledge base to be able to answer. The value of this property is of type Text. :
Domains info.pngEnter one or more Domains separated by comma. See existing domains or add a new one. This field is associated with the property OntologyDomain This property indicates the domain of the Exemplary Ontology. The value of this property is of type Domain. :
Scenario info.pngYou can add a list of scenarios separated by comma. This field is associated with the property Scenario This property is used for describing examples of instantiation of the Content OP. For example, for the part of Content OP (which represents part-whole relations) a possible scenario is the sentence: "the brain is part of the human body". Scenarios are expressed as natural language sentences. The value of this property is of type Text. This property is a subproperty of PatternProblemExample. :
Known issues info.pngList any known issues separated by comma. This field is associated with the property KnownIssues This property is used for describing known issues, e.g. relating to an ODP pattern or Exemplary Ontology. Known Issues are expressed as natural language sentences. The value of this property is of type Text. :
Licensing info.pngIndicate what the ontology is for and what the intended benefits are to whom. This field is associated with the property Indicates what if any licenses an ontology may be obtained under. This is a property of type String. :
Web references info.pngLEGACY: DO NOT USE. Migrate existing references to new format. This field is associated with the property WebReference. This property indicates a web resource that has been used as reference source for the main pattern or exemplary ontology being described; e.g., a Wikipedia article, a scientific paper, an authoritative web page. The value of this property is of type URL. :
Other references info.pngLEGACY: DO NOT USE. Migrate existing references to new format. This field is associated with the property TextReference. This property indicates a non-web resource that can be used as reference source for the Content OP e.g., the ISBN of a book. The value of this property is of type Type:Text. :


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