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Candidates domain: Legal, Sport, Performance, Writing. [Legal] Using this pattern is possible to describe a story in terms of agents, actions and events. Can be used in the Legal domain, to represent formally the process that produced a certain crime, for example. Different versions of the story can be implemented and computed by a diff algorythm to provide support for human's analyzes and decisions. Specialization is needed, of course, to better fit the domain. [Sport] A complete soccer match can be described by specializing/implementing this pattern. Agent, Event can be specialized to better fit the domain. Additional rules can be applied (particular event contributors can correspond to certain role) as well as additional properties (time indexing, relative to the soccer match time indexing method). [Writing] A story script can be represented as a sequence of facts and actors. This works well for stories with a relevance of events and actions. In principle any event can be represented, also psychological feedbacks of characters and emotions, not neccessarly physical events. External agents can be used to represent natural events, as well as the
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