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* [[Special:ImportProposal| '''IMPORT YOUR CP OWL FILE HERE''']]
In a nutshell:
* Check if the domain of your Content ODP is in the [[Community:Domain| list of domains]], otherwise [[Community:Domain| create it]]
* [[Special:Upload|Upload the image]] with a diagrammatic view of your pattern
* If you have already an OWL file you can create a page directly [[Special:ImportProposal| by importing it''']]
* If you don't have and OWL file yet you should {{#formlink:form_name|create a page by filling a form|link|}}
* Edit the page to fill all the necessary information by clicking on the ''edit'' button on the top of your CP page

Revision as of 12:15, 3 July 2009

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If you don't have an ODP account, you can request it.

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