From Odp
Welcome to the 3rd Workshop on Ontology Patterns - WOP2012
This is the third edition in a series of workshops addressing the emerging topic of ontology patterns as best practices, related to the ontologydesignpatterns.org initiative.
Patterns need to be shared by a community in order to provide a common language, and to stimulate pattern usage and development. Hence, the aim of this workshop is twofold: providing an arena for proposing and discussing good practices, patterns, pattern-based ontologies, systems etc., and broadening the pattern community that is developing its own “language” for discussing and describing relevant problems and their solutions. For more background on the workshop series, see the main page.
It will be a half-day workshop consisting of two parts; paper presentations and posters. The poster session will feature pattern posters, i.e. presentations of patterns submitted through ontologydesignpatterns.org.
Quick links:
- Submission instructions (Submission deadline: July 31st 2012)
- Important Dates
Contents |
Venue and dates
The third edition of WOP will be held in conjunction with ISWC 2012 in Boston, US (for previous editions, see the main WOP website in the menu on the left).
Call for Papers - Topics
Submission instruction for research papers (including position papers) can be found at the submission page.
The main aim of the workshop is to discuss and collect solutions to recurrent problems i.e. ontology patterns, that matter to researchers and practitioners of the Semantic Web field, and that impact on ontology design and engineering. Original research papers and poster papers are invited to consider the following (non exhaustive) list of topics:
- Ontology Design Patterns (ODPs) and pattern-based ontology design
- ODPs for specific knowledge domains e.g. multimedia, fishery and agriculture, user profiling, business modeling, etc.
- Anti-patterns and their relations to ODPs
- ODPs for interacting with data
- ODPs for expressing relevance of data in context
- Collaborative ontology design and collaboration patterns in ontology design and engineering
- Correspondence patterns for ontology matching and integration
- Lexico-syntactic patterns
- Reasoning patterns (workflows made of reasoning steps for addressing specific goals)
- Processes and services - process patterns
- Re-engineering patterns for conceptual models, folksonomies, lexicons, thesauri
- Problem solving methods and patterns
- Ontology Design Patterns and Linked Data
- Ontology Patterns and Microformats
- Patterns for using different vocabularies together e.g. FOAF, SIOC, DC, etc.
- Web semantics from a pattern perspective
- Good practices of ontology design
- Good practices for Linked Data and related applications
- Good practices for hybridization of semantic web and NLP techniques
- Good Practices and Patterns of semantic social networks, semantic wikis, semantic blogs
- Good Practices of Semantic Web in general
- Software patterns for Semantic Web applications
- Interaction patterns and the Semantic Web
- Pattern-based methodologies for Semantic Web ontologies and software engineering
- Application Profiles
- Domain specific applications based on patterns and success-stories
- Pattern-based ontologies
- Tools support for pattern-based knowledge engineering
- Pattern-based ontology evaluation and selection
- Automatic ontology construction (ontology learning) based on patterns
- Contextual reasoning and patterns as context
- Knowledge patterns and knowledge re-engineering based on patterns
- Pattern-based information extraction
- Quality evaluation of patterns
- Benefits of ontology patterns and knowledge patterns
Call for Patterns
Specific focus is put on pattern session as an opportunity for discussing and reaching consensus on best practices in the field.
Pattern submissions for the pattern session will be collected:
- through the ODP portal and
- by submitting a description of the pattern (pattern description) via EasyChair
Detailed submission instructions for patterns including how to submit via the ontologydesignpatterns.org portal are found at the submission page. Note that an account in the ODP portal is needed for submitting patterns; thus, authors should take care to request an account at least one week before their intended submission.
Pattern submissions can be made in any type of Ontology Design Patterns (ODPs). Currently, portal templates for submission are provided for the following types of patterns:
- Content patterns
- Structural patterns: logical and architecture patterns.
- Correspondence patterns: re-engineering and alignment patterns.
For other types of patterns, the author is welcome to submit only a pattern description.
Best Pattern Award
Reviewers and workshop participants will together distinguish the best pattern submission, final decision to be made by the chairs. The best pattern award takes into account criteria such as the quality of the submission, the relevance and significance of the pattern, the presentation of the pattern, and the level of involvement of the author during the revision phase and poster session discussions during the workshop.
Accepted research papers, and pattern abstracts will be published online in the CEUR-Workshop Proceedings.
Submission and Important Dates
For details on how to submit to WOP2012 see the submission page.
Important dates
- Submission deadline (research papers and patterns) - July 31st (11:59 Hawaii time)
- Notification of acceptance (research papers and patterns) - TBD
- Camera ready deadline (research papers and pattern abstracts) - TBD
- Online proceedings published (research papers and pattern abstracts) - TBD
- Workshop date - TBD
WOP Organisation
WOP2012 Chairs
- Paper chairs:
- Pattern chairs:
Steering Committee
The workshop series is arranged by a fixed steering committee, appointing the chairs and adjusting the focus of the workshop on a yearly basis.
The WOP Steering committee consists of:
- Eva Blomqvist, ISTC-CNR (IT)
- Aldo Gangemi, ISTC-CNR (IT)
- Natasha Noy, Stanford University (US)
- Valentina Presutti, ISTC-CNR (IT)
- Alan Rector, University of Manchester (UK)
- Francois Scharffe, INRIA (FR)
- Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz (DE)
- Chris Welty, IBM Watson Research Center (US)
Paper Program Committee
Pattern Program Committee
Submissions no longer possible... |