Number | Requirement tested | Method used | Test applied | Error(s) found | Suggestions/ideas for solution | Additional notes
1 | Contextual Statement: A track has only one genre | | Unit test(Track, genre) Query:SELECT ?p ?y WHERE { ?p a :Track . ?p :genre ?y } | The ontology does not guarantee the genre uniqueness of a track | |
2 | Contextual Statement: A track realizes only one song | | Unit test(Track, recordingOf) Query:SELECT ?p ?y WHERE { ?p a :Track . ?p :recordingOf ?y } | The ontology does not guarantee the uniqueness of song-track | |
3 | CQ: What role does a certain person have in a certain band at a certain point in time? | | Ontology graph reasoning | I cannot deduce the role of the band member, there is no trace of historical roles. | |
4 | CQ: During what time period was a certain album of a certain band recorded? | | Ontology graph reasoning, property and dataProperty check | There is not a well defined notion of time for a recorded album, albumRecordedIn is a property that seems suited for this but has not been defined accordingly (no domain or range), which could lead to strange definitions by users of the ontology. | |
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