Submissions:Born Digital Archives

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Current revision ID: 13147

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General description

Name: Born Digital Archives
Submitted by: PanagiotisMitzias
Also Known As:
Intent: The pattern intends to model the domain of born digital archives.
Competency Questions:
  • What are the main entities (units) that compose born digital archives? These are fonds
  • series
  • files and items.

What is the hierarchy of units within a born digital archive? Fonds composed from series or files

  • series composed from files and files composed from items.

Who is the creator of an archive? The creator is entity of type foaf:Agent.

Solution description:
Reusable OWL Building Block: (937)
Consequences: The design pattern is expected to facilitate the creation of domain ontologies related to Born Digital Archives that can be exploited in numerous fields. A well-established, comprehensible pattern will prove to be advantageous.
Scenarios: Some examples of instantiation of the Born Digital Archives ODP are:
 1. Series A has part file B.
 2. Fonds C has part Series A
 3. File D has creator John Smith
Known Uses:
Web References:
Other References:
Examples (OWL files):
Extracted From:
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Has Components:
Specialization Of:
Related CPs:


The Born Digital Archives Content OP locally defines the following ontology elements:

ObjectProperty hasCreator (owl:ObjectProperty) Indicates the creator of a unit.
hasCreator page
ObjectProperty hasPart (owl:ObjectProperty) Indicates that a unit includes another unit.
hasPart page
Class Creator (owl:Class) The creator of a born digital archive unit
Creator page
Class File (owl:Class) An organized unit of documents grouped together either for current use by the creator or in the process of archival arrangement, because they relate to the same subject, activity, or transaction. A file is usually the basic unit within a record series.
File page
Class Fonds (owl:Class) Fonds: The whole of the records, regardless of form or medium, organically created and/or accumulated and used by a particular person, family, or corporate body in the course of that creator's activities and functions.

Sub-fonds: A subdivision of a fonds containing a body of related records corresponding to administrative subdivisions in the originating agency or organization or, when that is not possible, to geographical, chronological, functional, or similar groupings of the material itself. When the creating body has a complex hierarchical structure, each sub-fonds has as many subordinate sub-fonds as are necessary to reflect the levels of the hierarchical structure of the primary subordinate administrative unit.

Fonds page
Class Item (owl:Class) The smallest intellectually indivisible archival unit, e.g., a letter, memorandum, report, photograph, sound recording.
Item page
Class Series (owl:Class) Documents arranged in accordance with a filing system or maintained as a unit because they result from the same accumulation or filing process, or the same activity; have a particular form; or because of some other relationship arising out of their creation, receipt, or use. A series is also known as a records series.
Series page
Class Unit (owl:Class) An entity that participates in the assembly of a born digital archive.
Unit page

Additional information


Scenarios about Born Digital Archives

No scenario is added to this Content OP.


Reviews about Born Digital Archives

There is no review about this proposal. This revision (revision ID 13147) takes in account the reviews: none

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Modeling issues

Modeling issues about Born Digital Archives

There is no Modeling issue related to this proposal.


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