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Revision as of 20:38, 26 August 2009 by EvaBlomqvist (Talk | contribs)
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Current revision ID: 5612


General description

Name: ConceptTerms
Submitted by: Pierre-YvesVandenbussche
Also Known As:
Intent: This CP allows designers to represent language complexity for concept description (preferred term, synonyms, translation relation,etc.).

Linguistic, Vocabulary

Competency Questions:
  • How to distinguish a preferred term or label from synonyms in order to name a concept?
  • How to enable cross language searching?
  • How to allow adding properties on term?
Solution description: A concept is named in a particular language by a preferred term and a set of simple non preferred terms. Those terms artifacts specialize the term entity which owns common properties for terms such as: language, source information (when creating vocabulary from corpora). This list of properties may be extended depending on vocabulary specific needs.
Reusable OWL Building Block: (1354)
Consequences: Compare to labels on a concept class, this solution has a higher data load.
Scenarios: Used for terminology representation. For example, a preferred term "car" in english could be translated in "voiture" in french and linked to the same concept. Here translation relation is possible thanks to the term entity.
Known Uses:
Web References:
Other References:
Examples (OWL files):
Extracted From:
Reengineered From:
Has Components:
Specialization Of:
Related CPs:


The ConceptTerms Content OP locally defines the following ontology elements:


Scenarios about ConceptTerms

This ontology describes example coming from Eurovoc( where a concept has a preferred term "social sciences" in english and a simple non preferred term (i.e. synonyms) "humanities" in the same language whereas the same concept has a preferred term "sciences sociales" in french and a simple non preferred term "sciences humaines" in this language. We consider a second preferred term in english "award" which names a concept. In this particular information retrieval context, we define a coumpound non preferred term "social sciences awards" which is related to preferred terms "social sciences" and "award". >>>


Reviews about ConceptTerms
Review article Posted on About revision (current is 5612)
WimPeters about ConceptTerms 24550838 September 2009 56265,626
MariCarmenSuarezFigueroa about ConceptTerms 24550838 September 2009 57145,714
VojtechSvatek about ConceptTerms 24550838 September 2009 57145,714

This revision (revision ID 5612) takes in account the reviews: WimPeters about ConceptTerms, VojtechSvatek about ConceptTerms, MariCarmenSuarezFigueroa about ConceptTerms

Other info at evaluation tab

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