Reviews:RimDJEDIDI about Faceted Classification Scheme
From Odp
Overall suggestion (score): 1 - needs minor revision
The evaluation of this pattern should take into account the one of Normalization ODP pattern submitted. There is important mapping between the two patterns.
Some remarks (to verify): - Mutual exclusion between categories of FCS (as mentioned in the definition) is not included in Normalization ODP generic structure (part ontology). - In the description of part "Process", considering the Normalization ODP, Facet_i should "has" and not "become" an object property :hasFacet_i. - There is a little difference between the first item example in the description of "Example of Non-Ontological Resource" and in the graphical representation of "Ontology Example" as well as in the description of "Process example". -the OWL defined class "ManualDishDetergent" in the graphical representation of "Ontology example" should be "PersonDishDetergent". - in the graphical representation of "Process example", there is the generic representation of the process and not the example.
-Is there any difference between Normalization ODP modeling issues and FCS modeling issues?Posted: 2010/9/15 Last modified: 2010/9/15