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Welcome to the 2nd Workshop on Ontology Patterns - WOP2010
- Chris Welty will give the WOP 2010 keynote presentation.
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This is the second edition in a series of yearly workshops addressing the emerging topic of ontology patterns as best practices, related to the ontologydesignpatterns.org initiative. Patterns need to be shared by a community in order to provide a common language and stimulate pattern usage and development. Hence, the aim of this workshop is twofold; both providing an arena for proposing and discussing good practices, patterns, pattern-based ontologies, systems etc., and broadening the pattern community that will develop its own “language” for discussing and describing relevant problems and their solutions.
It will be a full-day workshop consisting of three parts; paper presentations, posters/demos, and “pattern writing” sessions. The poster session will feature both paper posters and pattern posters, i.e. presentations of patterns submitted through ontologydesignpatterns.org. For the pattern writing session ontology design problems will be submitted and voted for (by the PC and the ODP portal quality committee). The problems considered most interesting will be treated during the workshop, to provide the draft of a solution.
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Venue and dates
The second edition of WOP will be held in conjunction with ISWC 2010 at Shanghai, China on November 8th. (the first workshop was held in conjunction with ISWC 2009, for more information see the WOP2009 website).
Workshop Focus and Relevance
As interest in the Semantic Web increases and technologies for realizing the semantic web become more mature, the need for high-quality and reusable semantic web ontologies increases. To address the quality and reusability issues, different types of Ontology Design Patterns (ODPs) have emerged. Patterns can supply ontology designers with several kinds of benefits, including a direct link to requirements, reuse, guidance, and better communication. ODPs are well on their way to providing those benefits. ODPs have been proposed by the W3C and are currently being collected in various repositories, such as the catalogue maintained by the University of Manchester and the ODP portal at ontologydesignpatterns.org. However, pattern catalogues are still small and do not cover all types of patterns and all domains. Semantic Web applications could also benefit from additional types of patterns, such as knowledge patterns and specialized software patterns for semantic applications. In addition, to achieve communication benefits, patterns need to be shared by a community in order to provide a common language for discussing and understanding modeling problems. The workshop can leverage the activities conducted in the ontologydesignpatterns.org initiative, and aims to use the portal as its main means of communication, e.g. for pattern submission, reviewing and discussions outside the workshop schedule.
Reuse has been an important research subject in ontology engineering for many years, and this is also true for the semantic web community. Patterns are an approach to knowledge reuse that has proved feasible and very profitable in many other areas such as software engineering and data modeling. During the past few years, patterns for semantic web ontologies and ontology-based applications have been introduced, and at this point in time we believe that the community would highly benefit from a series of workshops focusing on this particular topic. An earlier workshop, Ontology Patterns for the Semantic Web , was arranged at ISWC2005, however at that time the community was considerably smaller. The focus then was on discussing reusable OWL and RDF ontologies addressing general open problems. The WOP series broadens this scope to include all patterns related to ontology design and knowledge engineering for the Semantic Web. This is in line with the successful EKAW2008 conference (with the sub-title Knowledge Patterns). Topics of this conference included ontology engineering patterns but also patterns for re-engineering of knowledge resources, process knowledge, social and cognitive aspects of semantics. The first workshop was held in conjunction with ISWC 2009, for more information see the WOP2009 website.
A workshop should be a practical and interaction-rich event, hence the workshop will have three parts: regular papers, posters/demos, and “pattern writing”, with a focus on the latter. The inspiration for this model comes from the pattern writing workshops for software patterns. The aim is to promote development and review of actual patterns, rather than papers describing patterns. Related events are also VoCamps for writing vocabularies for the Semantic Web.
Call for Papers - Topics
Submission instruction for research papers, posters, demos, and position papers can be found at the submission page.
The main aim of the workshop is to discuss and collect solutions to recurrent problems i.e. ontology patterns, that matter to researchers and practitioners of the Semantic Web field, and that impact on ontology design and engineering. Original research papers and poster papers are invited to consider the following (non exhaustive) list of topics:
- Ontology Design Patterns (ODPs) and pattern-based ontology design
- ODPs for specific knowledge domains e.g. multimedia, fishery and agriculture, user profiling, business modeling, etc.
- Anti-patterns and their relations to ODPs
- ODPs for interacting with data
- ODPs for expressing relevance of data in context
- Collaborative ontology design and collaboration patterns in ontology design and engineering
- Correspondence patterns for ontology matching and integration
- Lexico-syntactic patterns
- Reasoning patterns (workflows made of reasoning steps for addressing specific goals)
- Processes and services - process patterns
- Re-engineering patterns for conceptual models, folksonomies, lexicons, thesauri
- Problem solving methods and patterns
- Ontology Design Patterns and Linked Data
- Ontology Patterns and Microformats
- Patterns for using different vocabularies together e.g. FOAF, SIOC, DC, etc.
- Web semantics from a pattern perspective
- Good practices of ontology design
- Good practices for Linked Data and related applications
- Good practices for hybridization of semantic web and NLP techniques
- Good Practices and Patterns of semantic social networks, semantic wikis, semantic blogs
- Good Practices of Semantic Web in general
- Software patterns for Semantic Web applications
- Interaction patterns and the Semantic Web
- Pattern-based methodologies for Semantic Web ontologies and software engineering
- Application Profiles
- Domain specific applications based on patterns and success-stories
- Pattern-based ontologies
- Tools support for pattern-based knowledge engineering
- Pattern-based ontology evaluation and selection
- Automatic ontology construction (ontology learning) based on patterns
- Contextual reasoning and patterns as context
- Knowledge patterns and knowledge re-engineering based on patterns
- Pattern-based information extraction
- Quality evaluation of patterns
- Benefits of ontology patterns and knowledge patterns
The poster category is particularly suitable for short research papers (e.g. work-in-progress or preliminary results) and for descriptions of software tools supporting the design, management, discovery, matching, or any other way of processing ontology patterns. A poster can also provide a high-level description of a research project that has ontology patterns as one of its topics (position paper). A poster paper may or may not include a description of an application demonstration. Demo submissions will be treated in the same way as poster papers, with the addition that if accepted the authors are obliged to (in addition to their poster) provide a demo of their application at the workshop poster session.
Call for Patterns and Problem Proposals
Submission instructions for both patterns and problem proposals can be found at the submission page.
Pattern submissions for the pattern part of the poster session will be collected through the ODP portal, and templates for submission are provided for the following types of patterns (see general typology for explanation of the types):
- Content patterns
- Structural patterns: logical and architecture patterns
- Correspondence patterns: re-engineering and alignment patterns
For other types of patterns, or if the author wishes to elaborate on theoretical rather than practical aspects, a pattern description may be submitted as either a research paper or poster paper. A paper submission can be accompanied by a pattern submission, however the submissions will be reviewed separately.
Additionally, we invite submissions of interesting problems for the "pattern writing" sessions. Problems should be in the scope of “ontology engineering problems” (in a broad sense), i.e., problems where currently no ODP exist. The most interesting problem proposals will be selected through a voting process, and at the workshop the participants will be divided into groups based on interests and background, where each group will be assigned one proposed problem. The goal is to develop and propose an initial pattern candidate corresponding to that issue, which is presented to the rest of the participants at the end of the session and can then be posted in the ODP portal for revision and scrutiny. The person who proposed the problem will be present at the workshop to provide background information about the problem for the candidate ODP to be created.
Proceedings will appear at CEUR-ws.org. For a list of accepted papers and patterns, see the program.
Related references
The WOP2009 proceedings, as well as:
- Valentina Presutti and Aldo Gangemi. Content Ontology Design Patterns as Practical Building Blocks for Web Ontologies (ER 2008)
- Natasha Noy and Alan Rector. Defining N-ary Relations on the Semantic Web (2006)
- Aldo Gangemi. Ontology Design Patterns for Semantic Web Content (ISWC 2005).
- Natasha Noy, Michael Uschold, Chris Welty. Representing Classes As Property Values on the Semantic Web (2005)
- Alan Rector. Representing Specified Values in OWL: "value partitions" and "value sets" (2005)
- Francois Scharffe. Correspondence Patterns Representation. PhD Thesis (2009)
- Peter Clark, John Thompson, and Bruce Porter. Knowledge Patterns. In Handbook of Ontologies (2003)
- Mikel Egaña, Alan Rector, Robert Stevens, Erick Antezana. Applying Ontology Design Patterns in bio-ontologies. (EKAW 2008).
Submission and Important Dates
For details on how to submit to WOP2010 see the submission page. Accepted research papers, position papers, and poster/demo will be published online in the CEUR-Workshop Proceedings.
Important dates
- Submission deadline (research papers, poster/demo papers and patterns) - Extended to: September 1st (11:59 Hawaii time)
- Notification of acceptance (research papers, poster/demo papers and patterns) - September 20th
- Camera ready deadline (research papers, poster/demo papers) - October 1st
- Upload of final pattern version (patterns) - October 1st
- Proposal of "pattern writing problems" (problem proposals) - October 1st
- Online proceedings published (research papers, poster/demo papers) - October 15th
- Workshop date - November 8
WOP Organisation
WOP2010 Chairs
- Paper and poster chairs: Valentina Presutti, STLab ISTC-CNR (IT) contact, and Vinay K. Chaudhri, SRI International (US) contact
- Pattern chairs - Eva Blomqvist, ISTC-CNR (IT) contact and Oscar Corcho, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ES) contact
- Proceedings chair: Kurt Sandkuhl, Jönköping University (SE).
Steering Committee
The workshop series is arranged by a fixed steering committee, appointing the chairs and adjusting the focus of the workshop on a yearly basis.
The WOP Steering committee consists of:
- Eva Blomqvist, ISTC-CNR (IT)
- Aldo Gangemi, ISTC-CNR (IT)
- Natasha Noy, Stanford University (US)
- Valentina Presutti, ISTC-CNR (IT)
- Alan Rector, University of Manchester (UK)
- Francois Scharffe, INRIA (FR)
- Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz (DE)
- Chris Welty, IBM Watson Research Center (US)
Paper/Poster/Demo Program Committee
- Marie-Aude Aufaure, Ecole Centrale Paris (FR).
- Alessandro Adamou, ISTC-CNR (IT).
- Vinay Chaudhri,SRI International (US).
- Mathieu D'Aquin, Open University (UK).
- Enrico Daga, ISTC-CNR (IT).
- Violeta Damjanovic, Salzburg Research (AT).
- Rim Djedidi, University Paris Nord 13 (FR).
- Leigh Dodds, Talis (UK).
- Henrik Eriksson, Linköping University (SE).
- Aldo Gangemi, ISTC-CNR (IT).
- Jose-Manuel Gomez, Intelligent Software Components (iSOCO) S.A. (ES).
- Gerd Groener, University of Koblenz-Landau (DE).
- Holger Lewen, Institut AIFB, KIT (DE).
- Natasha Noy, Stanford University (US).
- Wim Peters, University of Sheffield (UK).
- Alan Rector, University of Manchester (UK).
- Alan Ruttenberg, Creative Commons (US).
- Marta Sabou, MODUL University (AT).
- Kurt Sandkuhl, Jönköping University (SE).
- Francois Scharffe, INRIA (FR).
- Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz-Landau (DE).
- Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ES).
- Vojtech Svatek, University of Economics, Prague (CZ).
- Tania Tudorache, Stanford University (US).
- Boris Villazón-Terrazas, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ES).
- Chris Welty, IBM Watson Research Center (US).
Pattern Program Committee (To be completed...)
- Alessandro Adamou, ISTC-CNR (IT).
- Rim Djedidi, University Paris Nord 13 (FR).
- Gerd Groener, University of Koblenz-Landau (DE).
- Enrico Motta, KMI Open University, Milton Keynes (UK).
- Olaf Noppens, University of Ulm (DE).
- Andrea Nuzzolese, ISTC-CNR (IT).
- Catherine ROUSSEY, LIRIS-CNRS Cemagref (FR).
- Alan Ruttenberg, Creative Commons (US).
- Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ES).
- Vojtech Svatek, University of Economics, Prague (CZ).
- Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche, INSERM (FR).
- Boris Villazón-Terrazas, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ES).
The final program will be published as soon as it is finalized. The program will contain, a keynote talk by Chris Welty, paper presentations, a poster session containing paper and pattern posters, as well as a practical pattern writing session. Below you find the accepted papers, posters, and patterns.
Accepted research papers:
- María Poveda-Villalón, Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa and Asunción Gómez-Pérez. Reusing Ontology Design Patterns in a Context Ontology Network
- Vojtech Svatek, Ondrej Svab-Zamazal and Miroslav Vacura. Adapting Ontologies to Content Patterns using Transformation Patterns
- Karl Hammar and Kurt Sandkuhl. The State of Ontology Pattern Research - A Systematic Review of ISWC, ESWC and ASWC 2005–2009
Accepted poster papers:
- Eva Blomqvist, Jeff Waters, Marion Ceruti and Don McGarry. A Decision-making Format for the Semantic Web
Accepted patterns:
- Context Slices (Chris Welty)
- Faceted Classification Scheme (Benedicto Rodriguez Castro)
- Summarization of an inverse n-ary relation (Maria Poveda, Mari Carmen Suarez-Figueroa)
- Literal Reification (Aldo Gangemi, Silvio Peroni, Fabio Vitali)
- SimpleOrAggregated (Maria Poveda, Mari Carmen Suarez-Figueroa)
Problems for Pattern Writing Session:
Italic text
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The submission deadline has passed! |