Testing Exercise - document your work on methods used
Number | Requirement tested | Method used | Test applied | Error(s) found | Suggestions/ideas for solution | Additional notes
0 | I asked for the names of the persons | | | missing Johs Klinghoffer (guitar) | simply add it |
1 | SELECT ?p ?y WHERE { ?p a :Person. ?p :playsInstrument ?y} | | | no errors | | it reports the persons and the instruments they play
2 | SELECT ?p ?y WHERE { ?p a musicindustry:Track . ?y a musicindustry:Song . ?p musicindustry:recordingOf ?y} | | | Track and Song are empty | | I created Ornela1.owl and added 3 tracks and 3 songs and related with recordingOf and the query gave me the wright answer
3 | | | | | |
4 | | | | | |