Testing Exercise - document your work on methods used
Number | Requirement tested | Method used | Test applied | Error(s) found | Suggestions/ideas for solution | Additional notes
0 | CQ1 | only for students exercising with method guidelines | I checked for the domain and range definitions of the instrumentPlayedBy property | The range and domain of the property should be defined if it is known | |
1 | Run inferences | | I have asserted all the inferences | | |
2 | Check the cardinality of the class Track (contextual statement No. 3) | | that contextual requirement is modeled wrong with this the following restriction of the Track class, because it does not fix the cardinality of the class to exactly 1 Song (musicindustry:recordingOf some musicindustry:Song) | | |
3 | | | | | |
4 | | | | | |