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AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model Act as a basic model for Agricultural Related Ontologies, in particular for the AGROVOC Concept Server. The model clearly identify concepts (domain concepts) from terms (which are represented as instances). Both concepts and terms have specific relationships connecting them.
ActingFor To represent that some agent is acting in order to forward the action of a social (non-physical) agent.
Action The purpose of the pattern is to model actions that are proposed, planned, and performed or abandoned, together with their status and durations in time.
ActivitySpecification This work is concerned with supporting a correct and meaningful representation of activities on the Semantic Web, with the potential to support tasks such as activity recognition and reasoning about causation. This requires an ontology capable of more than simply documenting and annotating individual activity occurrences; definitions of activity specifications are required.

Current representations of activities in OWL do not meet the basic requirements for activity specifications. Detailed definitions of an activity's preconditions and effects are lacking, in particular with respect to a consideration of change over time.

This pattern leverages existing work to fill this void with an ontology design pattern for activity specifications in OWL.
Actuation-Actuator-Effect This ODP intents to model the relationship between an Actuator and the Effect it has on its environment through Actuations. It structures an Actuator ontology : http://www.irit.fr/recherches/MELODI/ontologies/SAN.owl
AffectedBy To represent properties/qualities that may affect the status of a feature of interest.
Affordance To represent the model for supporting the action selection mechanism.
AgentRole To represent agents and the roles they play.
Airline To represent the encyclopedic knowledge expressed by an object typed as Airline
Airline.owl To represent the encyclopedic knowledge expressed by an object typed as Airline
AlgorithmImplementationExecution To model algorithm specifications, their implementations and executions, together with parameters of implementations, settings of the parameters for the execution, and inputs the execution consumes (e.g., data) and outputs the execution produces (e.g., models, reports).
An Ontology Design Pattern for Activity Reasoning To incorporate the general two perspectives of activities: a workflow perspective, which are often observed in planning-related applications, and a spatiotemporal perspective, which are often found in geographic activity analysis.
AquaticResourceObservation To represent the aquatic observation data extracted from factsheet application. An aquatic observation refers to a specific year, is about an aquatic resource, and is situated in a given habitat, in which the aquatic species from the resource live. Observations can have a reporting year that is different from the observation time.
AquaticResources To represent aquatic resources or stocks as composed of aquatic organisms from one or more species, and living in a water area.
GeoInsight The goal of the pattern is to model the when, what, who, how and scope of insight capture during an interaction session with a geovisualization.
Bag To model bags of items (elements). The Bag is characterized by a collection that can have multiple copies of each object.
BasicPlan -
BasicPlanExecution -
Bias Event Pattern An Ontology Design Pattern to Document Bias Events in Machine Learning Pipelines
Biological Entities To represent biological species and relations between them.
Born Digital Archives The pattern intends to model the domain of born digital archives. This pattern has been developed by MKLab at CERTH/ITI for the PERICLES FP7 project.
Complaint Design Pattern To represent core constituents found commonly in complaints across domains.
CatchRecord To represent the catch records from time series FIGIS application, which contain temporally-indexed aggregated information about aquatic species cacthing.
ChessGame To model a flexible schema to allow exposing chess games as linked data.
City Resident Pattern This file defines an ontology design pattern for City "Resident.” Why is the development a Resident pattern important for the development of a city data on-tology? In the PolisGnosis project (Fox, 2017), where ontologies have been developed for measuring city performance across the 17 themes defined in ISO37120:2104 (e.g., Education, Public Safety, Health, Water & Sanitation), one of the concepts that recurs across themes is “(city) Resident”. The provisioning of city services is often contingent upon whether the person is a resident of the city. Whether it is access to swimming lessons provided by Parks and Recreation, or affordable housing provided by Shelters and Housing, many are contingent upon satisfying the residency requirement. This ontology pattern make it possible to define the semantics of residency for a city, and use the definition to automate the classification of a person as a resident or not of a city.
Classification To represent the relations between concepts (roles, task, parameters) and entities (person, events, values), which concepts can be assigned to. To formalize the application (e.g. tagging) of informal knowledge organization systems such as lexica, thesauri, subject directories, folksonomies, etc., where concepts are first-order elements.
ClimaticZone The intent of the pattern is to be able to represent climatic zones for aquatic resources.
Co-participation To represent two objects that both participate in a same event.
MicroblogEntry Provide a core pattern for capturing information related to microblog entries (e.g. twitter, instagram, facebook, etc.)
Collection To represent domain (not set theory) membership.
CollectionEntity To represent collections, and their entities, i.e. to represent membership.
CommunicationEvent To model communication events, such as phone calls, e-mails and meetings, their involved parties and the roles and relations of the parties in the context of the communication events.
Communities -
Componency To represent (non-transitively) that objects either are proper parts of other objects, or have proper parts.
ComputationalEnvironment The pattern is intended to support comparison and reproducibility of computational analyses.
Computer System The pattern intends to model computer systems based on a hardware/software approach. This pattern has been developed by MKLab at CERTH/ITI and Tate for the PERICLES FP7 project.
ConceptGroup This CP allows designers to represent concept group defined by intention (all concepts satisfying group membership condition) or by extension (all concepts referring a group).
ConceptTerms This CP allows designers to represent jointly conceptual and linguistic part of a vocabulary. The pattern purpose is not to encompass all linguistic complexity as Linginfo or LMF does, but to describe linguistic information in more details than SKOS which names concept whith simple labels.
Constituency To represent the constituents of a layered structure.
ContextualizedWinstonPartWhole To provide a contextualized version of the WinstonPartWhole pattern.
Controlflow To represent control flows: activation, branching, decisions, concurrency, etc.
CountingAs -
Course The aim of this content ontology design patterns-Course Pattern- is to model the core attributes of a course and the basic relationships of the course in an educational institution.
Criterion The purpose of this pattern is to provide a basis for criteria modeling. For more advanced use see the 'criterion setter' pattern that enables describing entities that define criteria (such as requirements, constraints etc.).
CriterionSetter The purpose of this pattern is to provide a broader context for criteria modeling. Possible specializations could introduce new kinds of criteria setters representing criteria in detailed contexts (for example: a pattern for describing the success/failure condition for some actions). Possible criteria setters may include requirements, recommendations, constraints etc.
DataTransformationPattern TBD
Description To formally represent a conceptualization or a descriptive context.
Description in Range This pattern allows one to range the conceptualization of a descriptive context within specific borders defined by means of literal values.
DetectorFinalState This pattern represent schematic model for high-energy physics experiment data.
DigitalVideo The pattern intends to model digital video files, their components and other associated entities, such as codecs and containers. This pattern has been developed by MKLab at CERTH/ITI for the PERICLES FP7 project.
Disposition This pattern allow the representation of non-probabilistic dispositions with unique triggering and realization process types.
EEP To represent executions made by executors that implement procedures. Executions are events like observations or actuations. Executors are systems like sensors or actuators that produce executions. Executors implement procedures to carry out their goals. Executions and executors are taken over features of interest and their intrinsic properties/qualities.
EthnicGroup To represent the encyclopedic knowledge expressed by an object typed as EthnicGroup
EventCore The purpose of this pattern is to provide a minimalistic model of event where it is not always possible to separate its spatial and the temporal aspects, thus can model events that move or possess discontinuous temporal extent. Events according to this model has at least one participant, attached via a participant-role, and may have additional descriptive information through its information object.
EventProcessing To model event objects (in the context of complex event processing), their attributes, and their relations actual events, and sensor readings producing the events. Different types of event objects, such as complex, composite, and simple events are modelled, preoperties for expressing relations between event objects, such as constituency and componency are expressed, and attributes of event objects, such as timestamps and other data values. This pattern is aligned both to the SSN (Semantic Sensor Network) ontology, and the Event-F model, which in turn both use DUL as an upper layer.
Experience & Observation to represent the epistemological "missing link" between a cognitive activity, e.g. the interaction with a cultural object, and any evidence of the effects this activity has on the individuals that are engaged with it; what can collectively be considered as an experience.
ExperimentalParadigmData to provide a minimal pattern for the integration and exploration of data from heterogeneous experimental paradigms in the biomedical domain
ExplanationODP Describing the process and components of an explanation in different disciplines.
FIEST-IoT See paper R. Agarwal, D. Fernandez, T. Elsaleh, A. Gyrard, J. Lanza, L. Sanchez, N. Georgantas, V. Issarny, "Unified IoT Ontology to Enable Interoperability and Federation of Testbeds", 3rd IEEE World Forum on IoT, pp. 70-75, Reston, USA, 12-14 December 2016. DOI: 10.1109/WF-IoT.2016.7845470, IEEE, HAL
Food Recipe Ingredient Substitution ODP
Food Recipe Ingredient Substitution Ontology Design Pattern To model substitutes for ingredients in food recipes. Essential aspects of modelling substitutes are their quantity in a recipe, the constraints and the qualitative and quantitative conditions for the substitutions, and other nutrition values, e.g. containing a number of calories or technological effects, and substitution objectives. The pattern should allow to represent different types of food substitutes in recipes, and recipe process, and overall notion of food substitution.
GO Top To represent types of gene-related entities and their parts.
GearSpecies to represent types of fishing gear with respect to the aquatic species they either are targeted to catch or can accidentally catch
GearVessel to represent types of fishing gear with regard to the types of vessel they can be mounted on
GearWaterArea to represent gear types in terms of the water areas where they can be employed to collect aquatic resources
Gesture Interaction The Gesture Interaction Pattern aims to model the pose and movement of human body that are used to interact with devices (particularly with device affordances). This helps to describe a human gesture with its relationship between certain device affordances, related body parts and the temporal components associated with those. This might be helpful in creating user specific gesture profiles. This ontology pattern is geared at mapping the ubiquitousness in gesture vocabularies by linking them appropriately and does not enforce designers and manufacturers to follow a standard.
HasPest Define the relationship between a concept and an organism which has characteristics that are regarded by other organisms as injurious or unwanted. Generally causing damages.
HazardousSituation To model hazardous situations and their associated hazardous events with events' participating objects and the hazards the objects are exposed to with the exposure value.
HistoricalMap The ontology's intent is to describe a historical map and its attributes.
Information realization To represent information objects and their physical realization.
InformationObjectsAndRepresentationLanguages -
IntensionExtension To represent the meaning of an information object: the concepts it expresses, the things it is about.
Interest Used for capturing the interest of a user, as well as capturing the provenance of interest predictions.
Invoice To represent the core attributes of an invoice
LCA Pattern Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies the environmental impact of products taking into account their entire life-span and production chain. This ontology design pattern specifies key aspects of LCA/LCI data models, namely the notions of flows, activities, agents, and products, as well as their properties.
LicenseLinkedDataResources To provide a pattern for expressing rights on Linked Data Resources, understood as RDF triples, datasets or mappings.

These rights include intellectual property rights, database rights and the right of access, which can be limited by personal data protection laws and others.

Rights expressions may assert, waive and license the rights, either conditionally or inconditionally, either to the public or to agents in particular.
LinnaeanTaxonomy -
List To represent ordered collections, i.e. lists.
Literal Reification This pattern promotes any literal as “first class object” in OWL by reifying it as a proper individual of the class litre:Literal.
Logistics Service (LoSe ODP)
Map Legend Ontology Map legends are keys to the understanding of symbols used on maps. Without such legends and the knowledge to interpret them, maps are reduced to mere pictures.From an information retrieval perspective, facts such as that a certain map contains transportation features organized in a hierarchy of highways, streets, trails, and so forth, remain hidden and therefore can neither be used by machines nor humans to enable a richer search for map contents.
Material Transformation To contextualize the transformation process from raw components and the required equipment to a final manufactured artifact.
MaterialsProperty To capture the provenance an assertion about a material's properties as well as capture the particulars of the property itself.
Metonymy-species-commodity To establish a link between species exploitation and consumer goods.

This pattern has been observed in WordNet, where words share the following metonymic or regular polysemic patterns: animal-food, animal-commodity and life form-consumer goods. This is why the pattern has been named "metonymy". Regular polysemy is a metonymic phenomenon in that it describes the substitution of one word sense by another related sense. It establishes a semantic relation between two concepts that are associated with the same word. Regular polysemy is regular in that it captures conventionalized

and therefore recurrent processes of sense extension, which have been captured in lexical resources such as dictionaries and thesauri.
ModifiedHazardousSituation To modify the existing HazardousSituation ODP to additionally support proactive questions central to risk assessment and mitigation planning.
Move --
Musicalobject This content ODP models the acoustic features of a music note played in a performance.
Nary Participation To represent events with their participants, time, space, etc.
NewsReportingEvent The pattern can be used for modelling situations in which we are not certain that a particular actual event has the properties which were described in a news message. We want to define the properties of an actual event which were reported (time, place, actors, subevents, cause, effect etc.), but not to treat them as universal, verified knowledge. The pattern also allows to define who is responsible for a particular description of an event and how this description is dealt with.
Notepattern The Music Note ODP models a symbolic note and its symbolic attributes.
OOPMetrics To represent software metrics especially for the purpose of detecting design-flaws in software systems based on these metrics. This is useful for re-engineering the software system., De a reprezenta metricile soft in special in scopul detectarii defectelor de proiectare din sistemele soft pe baza acestor metrici. Acest lucru este folositor pentru reingineria sistemului soft.
Object with states An object can have different states for which different restrictions apply. The goal of the pattern is to allow modelling the different states of an object and the restrictions on such object for its different states.
Objectrole To represents objects and the roles they play.
Observation The intent of this pattern is to represent observations of things, under a set of parameters. Common parameters may be the time and place of the observation, but may be any feature that is observed concerning the specific thing being observed.
Parameter To represent parameters to be used for a certain concept.
PartOf To represents entities and their parts.
ParticipantRole To represent participants in events holding specific roles in that particular event.
Participation To represent participation of an object in an event.
PeriodicInterval The goal of this pattern is to represent non-convex intervals where the duration of each internal interval and the duration of the gaps between intervals are constant. These intervals are called periodic intervals within the context of this pattern.
PharmaInnova To describe invoices with the PharmaInnova Model. This schema can be applied to other invoice models.
Place To talk about places of things.
PlanConditions --
Policy The pattern intends to model policies, their characteristics and their associated entities, such as processes and agents. This pattern has been developed by MKLab at CERTH/ITI and the University of Liverpool for the PERICLES FP7 project.
Pollution The Pollution ontology design pattern (ODP) intends to model the pollution, the pollutants and their observations at various spatio-temporal points. It also captures the information about the various direct and indirect sources of pollution. The Pollution ODP makes use of Trajectory, Observation and Stub-Metapattern ODPs.
Price --
PrivacyPolicyPersonalData Provides a model for personal data information within privacy policies
Provenance Extracted core of PROV-O
RTMSmapping to represent mappings between FSDAS application ontology network, and RTMS ontologies
Reaction To model dynamic situations, tracking agents and actions they produce, events that are results of some action(s), and consequences as new actions, i.e. reactions
Reactor pattern The remit of the reactor pattern is to enable the modelling of reactive processes that consume inputs and produce outputs under specific environmental conditions and on being triggered by certain events.
RecurrentEventSeries To represent recurrent event series as situations and collections of consecutive events, with a regular time period between events and unifying factors.
RecurrentSituationSeries To represent recurrent situation series as situations and collections of consecutive situations, with a regular time period between situations and unifying factors.
Region To represent and reason on values of attributes of things, by explicitly talking about the dimensions ("regions") of the attributes, which include those values.
RelativeRelationship For dynamically conceptualizing, establishing, tracking, and updating relative relationships and dependencies between entities (real or representational) of a physical, temporal, and/or importance scope.
ReportingEvent The intent of the pattern is to allow for modelling situations in which the knowledge about an event cannot be treated as certain. It is particularly useful for cases in which two or more agents provide different, contradictory information about the same event. It can be also used for modelling situation in which a single agent provided contradictory information about the same event in different points in time. In general the pattern allows for stating different circumstances of an act of the information provision.
ReportingNewsEvent The pattern can be used for modelling situations in which we are not certain that a particular actual event has the properties which were described in a news message. We want to define the properties of an actual event which were reported (time, place, actors, subevents, cause, effect etc.), but not to treat them as universal, verified knowledge. The pattern also allows to define who is responsible for a particular description of an event and how this description is dealt with.
ResourceAbundanceObservation The intent of the pattern is to be able to represent observations of aquatic resources, where the observations have been made a certain year and has certain other parameters.
ResourceExploitationObservation The intent of the pattern is to be able to represent observations of aquatic resources, where the observations have been made a certain year and has certain other parameters.
Role task To represent the assignment of tasks to roles
Roles (OWL 2) Capture the relational nature of roles using OWL 2 property chains, using theSocial Reality (OWL 2) pattern. Using this pattern the role-as-relation and role-as-class approach can coexist peacefully inside a single ontology.
Scorepart This content ODP formalises the structure and the hierarchies of a music score/symbolic representation system.
Sequence To represent sequence schemas. It defines the notion of transitive and intransitive precedence and their inverses. It can then be used between tasks, processes, time intervals, spatially locate objects, situations, etc.
Set To model sets of things (elements). A Set is a collection that cannot contain duplicate elements.
SimpleOrAggregated The goal of this pattern is to represent objects that can be simple or aggregated (that is, several objects gathered in another object acting as a whole). The main difference between the aggregation relation and other mereological relationships (such as part-of or componency) is that the aggregated object and its aggregated members should belong to the same concept. For example, a turbine is part of an engine, whereas an aggregated provider is formed by providers.
SimpleTopic It is a simplified version of the ontology "ontopic". It is used when we want to talk about the topics of a documents and their relationships.
Situation To represent contexts or situations, and the things that are contextualized.
Smart City Strategy Design This modular ODP is used for strategies design to transform a city to a smart one.
SmartHome The SmartEnv as a network of 8 ontology patterns relies on the SSN ontology and represents a smart environment. Each pattern model one aspect of such environments including temporal, spatial, objects, network, observation etc. The patterns are:

https://w3id.org/smartenvironment/patterns/time.owl https://w3id.org/smartenvironment/patterns/geometry.owl https://w3id.org/smartenvironment/patterns/event.owl https://w3id.org/smartenvironment/patterns/object.owl https://w3id.org/smartenvironment/patterns/sensing.owl https://w3id.org/smartenvironment/patterns/situation.owl https://w3id.org/smartenvironment/patterns/place.owl

SmartHome Event This pattern is used to represent events in the context of smart environments. An event in this pattern is represented in the form of either a Manifestation or a Complex Event, where a manifestation represents the occurrence of a specific situation of an object which can be directly captured from sensor data ("the TV is switched on"), whereas a complex event is defined based on its preconditions that can involve different events (e.g., "watching TV" happens when "the TV is switched on" and "someone is sitting on the couch"). The precondition of a complex event is represented in the form of a situation (DUL:Situation) which indicates proper temporal distances between a complex event and, the events involved in its definition.
SmartHome FeatureOfInterest To represent the specific feature (property) of a certain object that is observed (measured) by a sensing process. Since an object can have many features, it is not enough to point at the object itself, but one also need to specify the property that is in focus.
SmartHome Geometry To represent geospatial relations between objects.
SmartHome Network This pattern relies on both the SSN ontology and DUL in order to represent sensors and other techniqually needed objects to deploy a network in a smart home environment. The concept of Network is modeled in this pattern as a System (http://purl.oclc.org/NET/ssnx/ssn#System) whose constituents are NodeStations (subclass of Node which is in turn subsumed by the class http://purl.oclc.org/NET/ssnx/ssn#Device). Another subsumee of the Device class is the class Node describing more details about the content of each node station. Depending on their roles, nodes of a network are devided into types of node senders (whcih observe a phenomenon and send the data) and receivers (which receive the observation data).
SmartHome Object
SmartHome Place To represent a SmartHome as a place (specialization of http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DUL.owl#PhysicalPlace) which contains a number of sections (other physical places) and is also seen as a platform (e.g. a platform for a sensor network).
SmartHome Property
SmartHome Sensing
SmartHome Situation
SmartHome TimeInterval This pattern allows us to represent a temporal distance between two timestamps within an observation process in a SmartHome. There are other situations where we need to measure the interval (temporal distance) in the form of time steps regardless of the exact dates indicating the boundaries of the interval. The latter case is used when we want to define a complex event based on the temporal distance with its preconditions.
Social Reality (OWL 2) Capture Searle's theory on observer relative and institutional facts, used in creating social reality. See also the OWL 2 Agent-Role pattern.
Spatial Graph Adapter (SGA) Link to OWL File: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HollyFerguson/Spatial-Graph-Adapter-Pattern/master/SGA_Protege_OWL.owl

PDF of SGA Pattern Image: Image:USOcore3.pdf

To answer the modern, interdisciplinary questions asked within the Building domain, industry tools and data standards need to become far more interoperable in order to be able to provide a full and accurate set of analysis to engineers and designers. To provide this full picture from which to make decisions, we needed a way to resolve the spatial data that tools provide in order to synthesize it together. In addition to missing, incorrect, and inconsistent information, there is also the challenge of not being able to use existing spatial patterns to capture the full granularity or specificity of the geospatial descriptions required to capture full and dynamic geometric contexts.

The Spatial Graph Adapter (SGA) pattern provides us a way to extend the simple identification of geometries and simultaneously assign further descriptions and self-context as well as contextual and relational references to other spatial objects in or surrounding the original entity. For example, not only can we use existing notions say that one surface is adjacent to another, but we have a way to say exactly what type of adjacency and to what extent it is adjacent (more examples in accompanying paper). The SGA has also been implemented for several building industry schemas and our further research is in bringing this and other patterns into full use in a Linked Data Platform (ongoing).
SpatioTemporalExtent This pattern models a spatiotemporal extent, i.e., a combination of spatial and temporal extent as a set of generalized trajectories which cannot have temporal overlap. This pattern reuses semantic trajectory pattern as component.
SpeciesBathymetry to represent species together with their typical environment in terms of bathymetric range and water area
SpeciesConditions This pattern aims at representing the habitat and bathymetric features that are typical for an aquatic species, in the context of a given water area.
SpeciesConservation This pattern intend to represent a description of the conservation status of aquatic species.
SpeciesEat The pattern intends to model the situation that a certain species feed upon other species and that some species are preyed upon by a certain species.
SpeciesHabitat to represent species together with their typical environment in terms of habitat and water area
SpeciesNames To express the terminological variants and the conceptual similarity that can be sources of confusion between species.
Standard Enforcer Pattern The remit of the SEP content pattern is to represent the relation between standards and the processes, operations, activities and services that enforce them, the domains they cater to and the scope of that specific process, operation, activity, service within the context of the domain.
Tagging To represent a tagging situation, in which someone uses a term, from a list of a folksonomy, to tag something (or the content of something). We might also want to represent the time and the polarity of the tagging.
TaskExecution To represent actions through which tasks are executed.
Template Instance The Template Instance pattern proposes a way of reducing the number of reified instances and the related property assertion axioms in an ontology, especially for the cases in which the reified relations are identical for multiple entities.
Time indexed participation To represent participants in events at some time,To represent participants in parts of events.
Time indexed person role To represent classification of things at a certain time.
TimeIndexedClassification ---
TimeIndexedPartOf To represent objects that have temporary parts.
TimeIndexedSituation To represent time indexed situations.
TimeInterval To represent time intervals.
TimePeriod To represent time periods between events.
Topic To represent topics and their relations.
Trajectory The pattern provides a model of trajectory, which is understood as a sequence of spatiotemporal points. The model generalizing the Semantic Trajectory pattern from [Hu, et al., COSIT 2013] by employing the notion of place, instead of location/geo-coordinate, to represent the spatial extent of the trajectory. This pattern is suitable for a variety of trajectory datasets and easily extendible by by aligning to or matching with existing trajectory ontologies, foundational ontologies, or other domain specific vocabularies.
Transition To represent basic knowledge about transitions (events, states, processes, objects).
TransportPattern The goal of the pattern is to facilitate modelling the movement of mass or energy from one location to another, based on a common persistent frame of reference.
Types of entities To identify and categorize the most general types of things in the domain of discourse.
VerticalDistribution The intent of the pattern is to be able to represent vertical distribution for aquatic resources.
VesselSpecies to provide a direct relation between aquatic species and vessels that are able to catch them, regardless of the fishing gear used.
VesselWaterArea to represent a direct relation between vessel types and water areas regardless of what type of fishing gear is fitted

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