Training:Autumn 2009 - ODPs@UPM/XD-help
From Odp
XD with the NeOn toolkit
Below you find some hints on how to use the XD plugin.
- You need an Internet connection to use the XD plugin.
- To find the XD perspective in the toolkit, in the menus choose Window->Open perspective->Other... Then select "eXtreme Design" in the list of perspectives. It will take some minutes to open because it creates a cache of all the patterns from the portal.
- At the bottom left you have a panel showing two tabs: "ODP registry" and "ODP selections". The registry is the list of patterns in the portal, you find them under the folder "Submissions".
- If you mark a pattern in the list the information about the pattern will appear in the pane to the right. This is the same information as in the portal, but without the graphical visualization.
- If you want to reuse a pattern you have two options: "getting" it to your workspace or directly specializing it.