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Description. This property indicates a brief description of the entity it refers to. The value of this property is of type Text.

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AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/affects +X <affects> Y. Agent X acts on object Y in such a way that Y changes state or location. E.g. "sterilization" <affects> "bacteria"; "pest control" <affects> "pest"; "pollution of agriculture" <affects> "agriculture";
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/afflicts +X <afflicts> Y. The disease X could adversely affect the health of an organism Y. E.g. "BSE" <afflicts> "cows";
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/belongsToCategory +to map any domain concept to any category of any classification scheme
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/benefitsFrom +Y <benefits from> X. A result Y that Y <benefits from> X. A result Y that is advantageous to some beneficiary, produced by the behaviour of an agent X. A consequence Y achieved through a means X. E.g. "biological control" <benefits from> "biological control arthropods"; "plant health" <benefits from> "pest control"; lth" <benefits from> "pest control";
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/c geographic concept above country level +This concept is used to group all geographical regions encompassing one or more countries (e.g. Central Africa includes many countries). See also:
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/causes +X <causes> Y. Agent X (animate or inanimate) brings about a result Y. Examples: "prions" <causes> "BSE"; "water" <causes> "water erosion";
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/compose +Y <compose> X. A relation in which X Y <compose> X. A relation in which X composed of Y holds is one where Y consists of the material or substance of which X is made. This relation also subsumes <ingredient_of> and <substance_of> relations. E.g. "blood gas", "blood lipid", "blood protein", "blood cell" <composes> "blood"; "water", "yeast" <compose> "beer"; ; "water", "yeast" <compose> "beer";
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/datatypeProperty +Root Property for all datatype properties. Introduced in order to make querying and organization of properties easier.
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/growsIn +X <grows in> Y. A taxon X grows in an environment Y. Use this in a plant and related domain (e.g. fungi). E.g. "jasmine rice" <grows in> "isarn region"; "rice" <grows in> "moist soil";
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/hasComponent +Y <has component> X. An object X tha Y <has component> X. An object X that is a part of a whole Y and has also an existence independently from Y. E.g. "engine" <has component> "engine part"; "tree" <has component> "leaf"; "cell" <has component> "chromosome"; but NOT "blood" <has component> "blood cell" (see <is composed of>); "blood cell" (see <is composed of>);
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/hasImageDescription +To provide a description of what can be seen on the image
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/hasImageLink +The link to the physical image, for example the URL, where the image is available.
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/hasImageName +Each image should be assigned a name.
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/hasImageSource +The source of an image is the institution, web site, etc. where the image has been taken from.
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/hasMappedDomainConcept +to map domain concepts to any category in a classification scheme
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/hasMember +Y <has member> X. A social or political groupe Y in which a social or political unit (group or individual) X
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/hasPart +X <has part> Y. A composite entity X X <has part> Y. A composite entity X that can be identified as composed by one or more parts, between which Y. Use this relationship when none of the other partitivity relations (<component>, <composed_of>, <portion>, <member>, <includes_subprocess>) apply. E.g. in a plant ontology: {Taxonomic} <has part> {PartPlant}; {Taxonomic} <has part> {PartPlant};
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/hasPest +Y <has pest> X. An organism Y in which the organism X causes harm. E.g. "Litchi chinensis" <has pest> "Bactrocera dorsalis";
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/hasPortion +X <has portion> Y. A mass X from which a piece Y can be taken. E.g. "plant" <has portion> "cutting"; "chicken" <has portion> "chicken skin"; "a loaf of bread" <has portion> "a slice";
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/hasRelatedConcept +The most generic relationship to relate tw The most generic relationship to relate two domain concepts. This is used if two concepts are related and none of the more speciifc relationships can be applied. It is also used for backward compatibility to thesauri, i.e. all the more specific relationships can be resolved to this relationship and will translate to the <related term> or RT thesaurus relationship. ted term> or RT thesaurus relationship.
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/hasScientificName +use this relationship to link a scientific name (taxonomic term, chemical term, etc.) to its common name. The scientific name and the common name usually describe the same concept
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/hasStemmedForm +This relationship is used to enter the stemmed form of term.
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/hasSubCategory +Inverse relationship of the <is sub cat Inverse relationship of the <is sub category of> relationship. This relationship is used to build a hierarchy of categories within a classification scheme. A <has sub category> B means that B is a sub-category of A, i.e. B is a more specific category than A, lower in the hierarchy. Since one category can be in different places in the hierarchy in different classification schemes, do not instantiate this relationship directly, but use the sub-properties specifically for the classification scheme for which the sub-category relationship holds. For example use the <has ASC sub category> relationship to state that A <has ASC sub category> B in the Agris Subject Categories (ASC) classification scheme. ct Categories (ASC) classification scheme.
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/hasSymptom +X <has symptom> Y. A disease X presents disease characteristic Y in an organism. E.g. "BSE" <has symptom> "anorexia";
AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model/hasSynonym +X <has synonym> Y. A word X that means the same or nearly the same as another word Y. E.g. "bucket" <has synonym> "pail"; "pail" <has synonym> "bucket";
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