Template:Post a review
From Odp
This is the 'Post a review' template. It should be called in the following format:
{{Post a review}}
Edit the page to see the template text.
If you are member of the Quality Committee you can
- AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model
- ActingFor
- Action
- ActivitySpecification
- Actuation-Actuator-Effect
- Adrian Walker
- Adrian Walker 2
- AffectedBy
- Affordance
- AgentRole
- Airline
- Airline.owl
- AlgorithmImplementationExecution
- An Ontology Design Pattern for Activity Reasoning
- AquaticResourceObservation
- AquaticResources
- GeoInsight
- Bag
- BasicPlan
- BasicPlanExecution
- Bias Event Pattern
- Biological Entities
- Born Digital Archives
- Complaint Design Pattern
- CatchRecord
- Change of Time Varying Entities
- ChessGame
- City Resident Pattern
- Class Union
- Class by attribute occurence
- Class by attribute type
- Class by attribute value
- Class by path attribute value
- Class correspondence defined by relation domain
- Class equivalence
- Class intersection
- Class subsumption
- Classification
- Classification scheme - adjacency list model - to Taxonomy
- Classification scheme - path enumeration model - to Taxonomy
- ClimaticZone
- Co-participation
- MicroblogEntry
- Collection
- CollectionEntity
- CommunicationEvent
- Communities
- Componency
- ComputationalEnvironment
- Computer System
- ConceptGroup
- ConceptTerms
- Constituency
- Context Slices
- ContextualizedWinstonPartWhole
- Controlflow
- CountingAs
- Course
- Create Disjoint Siblings
- Criterion
- CriterionS
- CriterionSetter
- CyclicSubClassOf
- DataTransformationPattern
- Define Hybrid Class Resolving Disjointness due to Subsumption
- Description
- Description in Range
- DescriptionAndSituation
- DetectorFinalState
- Device-Interface-Link Pattern
- DigitalVideo
- Disjoint Classes
- DisjointnessOfComplement (DOC)
- Disposition
- Enlarge Class Definition for Resolving Disjointness due to Subsomption
- EthnicGroup
- EventCore
- EventProcessing
- Experience & Observation
- ExperimentalParadigmData
- ExplanationODP
- Faceted Classification Scheme
- Food Recipe Ingredient Substitution ODP
- Food Recipe Ingredient Substitution Ontology Design Pattern
- GO Top
- GearSpecies
- GearVessel
- GearWaterArea
- Gesture Interaction
- HasPest
- HazardousSituation
- HistoricalMap
- Information realization
- InformationObjectsAndRepresentationLanguages
- IntensionExtension
- Interest
- Summarization of an inverse n-ary relation
- Invoice
- LCA Pattern
- Lexico Syntactic ODP corresponding to Datatype Property ODP
- Lexico Syntactic ODP corresponding to Disjoint Classes ODP
- Lexico Syntactic ODP corresponding to Equivalence relation between Classes ODP
- Lexico Syntactic ODP corresponding to Object Property ODP
- Lexico Syntactic ODP corresponding to Participation ODP
- Lexico Syntactic ODP corresponding to SubclassOf relation ODP
- Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Co-participation ODP
- Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Defined Classes and SubclassOf relation ODPs
- Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to LocationODP
- Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Multiple Inheritance ODP
- Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Object Property or Datatype Property or Simple Part-Whole relation ODPs
- Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Object Property and Universal Restriction ODPs
- Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Object-Role ODP
- Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Simple Part-Whole relation "or" Constituency "or" Componency "or" Collection-Entity ODPs
- Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Specified Values ODP
- Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to SubclassOf "or" Simple Part-Whole relation ODPs
- Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to SubclassOf relation ODP
- Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to SubclassOf relation, Disjoint Classes, and Exhaustive Classes ODPs
- Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to SubclassOf relation, Disjoint Classes, and Exhaustive Classes ODPs 2
- LicenseLinkedDataResources
- LinnaeanTaxonomy
- List
- List 2
- Literal Reification
- Logistics Service (LoSe ODP)
- LogisticsService
- Map Legend Ontology
- Material Transformation
- MaterialsProperty
- Metonymy-species-commodity
- ModifiedHazardousSituation
- Move
- Musicalobject
- N-Ary Relation Pattern (OWL 2)
- Nary Participation
- NegativePropertyAssertions
- NewsReportingEvent
- Normalization
- Notepattern
- OOPMetrics
- Object with states
- Objectrole
- Observation
- OnlynessIsLoneliness (OIL)
- Parameter
- PartOf
- ParticipantRole
- Participation
- Partition
- Pattern for re-engineering a classification scheme, which follows the adjacency list data model, into an ontology schema
- Pattern for re-engineering a classification scheme, which follows the flattened data model, into an ontology schema
- Pattern for re-engineering a classification scheme, which follows the path enumeration data model, into an ontology schema
- Pattern for re-engineering a classification scheme, which follows the snowflake data model, into an ontology schema
- Pattern for re-engineering a term-based thesaurus, which follows the recordbased data model, into an ontology schema
- Pattern for re-engineering a term-based thesaurus, which follows the relationbased data model, into an ontology schema
- PeriodicInterval
- Persons
- PharmaInnova
- Place
- PlanConditions
- Policy
- Pollution
- Price
- PrivacyPolicyPersonalData
- Professor
- Provenance
- Quantity Triad Pattern
- RTMSmapping
- Reaction
- Reactor pattern
- RecurrentEventSeries
- RecurrentSituationSeries
- Region
- RelativeRelationship
- ReportingEvent
- ReportingNewsEvent
- ResourceAbundanceObservation
- ResourceExploitationObservation
- Role task
- Roles (OWL 2)
- Scorepart
- Sequence
- Set
- SimpleOrAggregated
- SimpleTopic
- Situation
- Smart City Strategy Design
- SmartHome
- SmartHome Event
- SmartHome FeatureOfInterest
- SmartHome Geometry
- SmartHome Network
- SmartHome Object
- SmartHome Place
- SmartHome Property
- SmartHome Sensing
- SmartHome Situation
- SmartHome TimeInterval
- Social Reality (OWL 2)
- Spatial Graph Adapter (SGA)
- Spatial Graph Adapter Pattern (moved to Content ODPs)
- SpatioTemporalExtent
- SpeciesBathymetry
- SpeciesConditions
- SpeciesConservation
- SpeciesEat
- SpeciesHabitat
- SpeciesNames
- Standard Enforcer Pattern
- Stub Metapattern
- Symmetric n-ary relationship
- SynonymOrEquivalence (SOE)
- Tagging
- TaskExecution
- Template Instance
- Term-based – record-based model – thesaurus to lightweight ontology
- Time indexed participation
- Time indexed person role
- TimeIndexedClassification
- TimeIndexedPartOf
- TimeIndexedSituation
- TimeInterval
- TimePeriod
- Topic
- Trajectory
- Transition
- TransportPattern
- Tree Pattern
- Types of entities
- VerticalDistribution
- VesselSpecies
- VesselWaterArea
- View Inheritance
- Vocabulary Alignment Pattern: Conjoint Instances of an external Class
- Vocabulary Alignment Pattern: Sub property of an external Property
- Vocabulary Alignment Pattern: Subclass of an external Class
- WinstonPartWhole
- Xsd:sequence embedding