Submissions:Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Simple Part-Whole relation "or" Constituency "or" Componency "or" Collection-Entity ODPs/3

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< Submissions:Lexico Syntactic ODPs corresponding to Simple Part-Whole relation "or" Constituency "or" Componency "or" Collection-Entity ODPs
Revision as of 18:38, 25 February 2010 by ElenaMontiel-Ponsoda (Talk | contribs)
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NL Formulations

  • A state machine workflow is made up of a set of states, transitions, and actions.

LSP Formalization

NP<whole> be PART [CD] CN-PART [PARA] [(NP<part>,)* and] NP<part>

Reusable JAPE code: -

Abbreviation and symbols

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