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Pages using the property "HasReviewScore"

Showing 25 pages using this property.


AldoGangemi about ConceptGroup +0 -needsmajorrevision  +
AlessandroAdamou about DisjointnessOfComplement (DOC) +1 -needsminorrevision  +
AlessandroAdamou about Inverse n-ary relationship +0 -needsmajorrevision  +
AlessandroAdamou about Object with states +1 -needsminorrevision  +
AlessandroAdamou about OnlynessIsLoneliness (OIL) +1 -needsminorrevision  +
AlessandroAdamou about Reactor pattern +1 -needsminorrevision  +
AlessandroAdamou about Symmetric n-ary relationship +0 -needsmajorrevision  +
AndreaNuzzolese about Faceted Classification Scheme +1 -needsminorrevision  +
AndreaNuzzolese about Normalization +1 -needsminorrevision  +
AndreaNuzzolese about Reactor pattern +1 -needsminorrevision  +


BenedictoRodriguezCastro about Object with states +1 -needsminorrevision  +
BenedictoRodriguezCastro about Object with states 2 +1 -needsminorrevision  +
BenedictoRodriguezCastro about Template Instance +0 -needsmajorrevision  +
BenedictoRodriguezCastro about TransportPattern +0 -needsmajorrevision  +
BorisVillazón-Terrazas about Define Hybrid Class Resolving Disjointness due to Subsomption +1 -needsminorrevision  +
BorisVillazón-Terrazas about Faceted Classification Scheme +1 -needsminorrevision  +
BorisVillazón-Terrazas about Normalization +1 -needsminorrevision  +
BorisVillazón-Terrazas about Standard Enforcer Pattern +1 -needsminorrevision  +
BorisVillazón-Terrazas about Template Instance +1 -needsminorrevision  +
BorisVillazón-Terrazas about TransportPattern +1 -needsminorrevision  +
BorisVillazón-Terrazas about Xsd:sequence embedding +0 -needsmajorrevision  +


CatherineRoussey about ExperimentalParadigmData +0 -needsmajorrevision  +
CatherineRoussey about Inverse n-ary relationship +2 -acceptforcertification  +
CatherineRoussey about LinnaeanTaxonomy +1 -needsminorrevision  +
CatherineRoussey about Normalization +1 -needsminorrevision  +
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