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Pages using the property "IsBestPractice"

Showing 25 pages using this property.


AldoGangemi about ConceptGroup +The pattern allows to represent groups of The pattern allows to represent groups of concepts, in that being a special case of the CollectionEntity pattern (Collection <- Group, Thing <- Concept, memberOf <- inGroup). Moreover, it seems to encode also: a) a subgroup relation (could be kind of partof for collections) b) the BT relation (already existing in SKOS core, but could also be kind of specialization for concepts, see also Specialization and Classification patterns) c) a "membership restriction" class that is basically synonym to Group I think this pattern can be represented in a simplier way (see Problems above) ted in a simplier way (see Problems above)
AlessandroAdamou about Inverse n-ary relationship +Is this proposal supposed to provide an override for the practice of providing inverse property pairs for relationships? According to the figures, inverses appear to be superfluous for "minor" participants to the relationship.
AlessandroAdamou about Object with states +Can be effectively applied to state machine modeling - for comparison see Dolog's FSM ontology, doc at
AlessandroAdamou about Reactor pattern +It could set a standard solution for process modeling in various domains, provided that its relation with patterns like Parameter and Reaction is well-defined.
AndreaNuzzolese about Reactor pattern +As described in the summary existing content patterns should be used by the Reactor pattern.


BenedictoRodriguezCastro about Object with states 2 +The pattern can be seen as a best practice for the modeling scenario described.
BenedictoRodriguezCastro about TransportPattern +See section "Review Summary".
BorisVillazón-Terrazas about Faceted Classification Scheme +High
BorisVillazón-Terrazas about Standard Enforcer Pattern +I would need more use cases for this pattern.
BorisVillazón-Terrazas about TransportPattern +Fair


EnricoDaga about Xsd:sequence embedding +Actually no relation to best practices. Also this point should be take into account in future revisions of this submissions.
EnricoMotta about Context Slices +There are several ways to address this pro There are several ways to address this problem in the literature, the most obvious one involving the use of reification to be able to make statements about a triple, such as its contextual extent. The author claims that his solution has advantages over reification-based alternative solutions, however the argument is not entirely clear and some clarifications will make it easier for users to understand better the advantages of this solution - see below for more details on this point. see below for more details on this point.
EnricoMotta about Literal Reification +There are a lot of proposals about how to talk about tags and link web2.0 systems to the semantic web and a comparison with the way other people have tackled this problem would be useful.


FrancoisScharffe about Classification scheme - adjacency list model - to Taxonomy +Yes this represent a best practice. No alternative solution is mentioned but the given algorithm is certainly the optimal one.
FrancoisScharffe about ConceptGroup +If there are other solutions they are not mentioned by the pattern.
FrancoisScharffe about Enlarge Class Definition for Resolving Disjointness due to Subsomption +High


GerdGroener about Classification scheme - path enumeration model - to Taxonomy +The taxonomical representation refers to good practice.
GerdGroener about DisjointnessOfComplement (DOC) +Here an explanation is missing why this kind of pattern refer to good practice. Simple examples would improve the understanding.
GerdGroener about Inverse n-ary relationship +good
GerdGroener about SimpleOrAggregated +good
GerdGroener about SynonymOrEquivalence (SOE) +Relevant to best practice modeling.


HenrikEriksson about Partition +This pattern is quite universal and commonly used (although you may not think of it).


JoseEmilioLabraGayo about LicenseLinkedDataResources +The pattern is related with the work on Provenance. The final goal is how to add metadata information about a dataset. Some information that would be complimentary is the time period in which that license information is valid.


KarlHammar about LicenseLinkedDataResources +The pattern makes use of and extends established schemas in a seemingly well thought-through way.


MariaPoveda about TransportPattern +Low
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