Training:PhD Course on Computational Ontologies @ University of Bologna 2011/Collaborative eXtreme Design/I1Pair

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Armir and Nicolò

Use the following template for each story you develop

Story title: Employment in hospitals

Depends on story(ies): nothing


Competency questions


In a certain time a certain person is employed at a certain place.


1.	Give me the employees of a specific hospital in a certain time interval ?
2.	Give me the employees of a specific city ?
3.	In what city is a certain hospital located ?
4.	In what country is a certain city located ?

Contextual Statement:

1.	A city has only one hospital with a certain name.
2.	An employee has to have a start date at each hospital employment. 

Reasoning requirements:

1.	In what country is a hospital located  ?
2.	Countries where a person has been employed ?


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