Training:PhD Course on Computational Ontologies @ University of Bologna 2011/Ontology Testing/GiulioPellitta

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Testing Exercise - document your work on methods used
Number Requirement tested Method used Test applied Error(s) found Suggestions/ideas for solution Additional notes
0 only for students exercising with method guidelines
1 What instruments does a certain person play? 1° (SPARQL Query) SELECT ?person ?instrument WHERE { ?person :playsInstrument ?instrument . } - - -
2 Who were the members of a band in a point in time? 1° (SPARQL Query) SELECT ?person ?band WHERE { ?person :playsRoleInBand ?band . } - - -
3 Who were the members of a band in a point in time? 1° (SPARQL Query) SELECT ?person ?band ?membershipStartDate ?membershipEndDate WHERE { ?person :playsRoleInBand ?band .

?time :member ?person . ?time :band ?band . ?time :membershipStartDate ?sDate . ?time :membershipEndDate ?eDate . } or also just SELECT ?person ?band ?membershipStartDate ?membershipEndDate WHERE { ?time :member ?person . ?time :band ?band . ?time :membershipStartDate ?membershipStartDate . ?time :membershipEndDate ?membershipEndDate . } || - || - || - ||

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