Training:Semantic Technologies in Practice PhD course in Linköping 2012/XD collaborative OE/G5

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Competency questions

Who wrote article with title X?
What is the name of author X?
How many pages does article with title X have?
Which are the co-authors of article X?
What is the title of article X?
What is the sub-title of article X?
To which collection does article X belong?
What is the name of collection X?

Contextual questions

An article has just one title.
An article may have a sub-title.
An article may belong to a collection.
An article has at least 1 page.
An article has at least one author.
An article may have co-authors.

Reasoning requirements

What articles does a collection contain?
Who are the authors of article X?
Who are the co-authors of article X?

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Books and CDs

Competency questions

In which collection was this this article published?
In which book was this this article published?
In which CD was this this article published?
How many pages does a book contain?
What is the name of a collection?
When was a collection published?

Contextual questions

A collection has a publishing year.

Reasoning requirements

What is the name and collection type of the collection in which a certain article was published?

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Not available yet

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