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ContentODPDescription This pattern adds a time specification (the [[Submissions:TimeInterval|Time interval]] pattern) to the [[Submissions:Situation|Situation]] pattern, in order to provide a handy solution to many cases.
CoversRequirement At what time did a certain situation occur?, What situations occurred at a certain time?
GraphicallyRepresentedBy TimeIndexedSituation.png +
HasComponent TimeInterval +
HasConsequence We can represent situations that have an explicit time parameter. In principle, this can be done already with the Situation pattern, but this provides a handy composition with the TimeInterval pattern.
HasElement TimeIndexedSituation/atTime +, TimeIndexedSituation/forEntity +, TimeIndexedSituation/hasTimeIndexedSetting +, TimeIndexedSituation/isTimeIndexFor +, TimeIndexedSituation/TimeIndexedSituation +
HasIntent To represent time indexed situations.
IsSpecializationOf Situation +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 14:03:40  +
Name TimeIndexedSituation  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain General +
RelatedCP Time indexed participation +, TimeIndexedClassification +
Scenario Mustafa's address in 2005 was in Brussels
SubmittedBy AldoGangemi +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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TimeIndexedSituation/TimeIndexedSituation +, TimeIndexedSituation/atTime +, TimeIndexedSituation/forEntity +, TimeIndexedSituation/hasTimeIndexedSetting +, TimeIndexedSituation/isTimeIndexFor + ElementOf
NewsReportingEvent + HasComponent
GeoInsight +, Tagging +, Time indexed participation + IsSpecializationOf
NewsReportingEvent + RelatedCP


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