From Odp
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If you are author of this proposal or you want to contribute to this pattern's review, you can: specify if this revision takes in account any of the review(s) In general, it could be useful to visit the evaluation section to have information about the evaluation process of this proposal Current revision ID: 12698 |
Graphical representation
General description
Name: | ReportingNewsEvent |
Submitted by: | EwaKowalczuk |
Also Known As: | |
Intent: | The pattern can be used for modelling situations in which we are not certain that a particular actual event has the properties which were described in a news message. We want to define the properties of an actual event which were reported (time, place, actors, subevents, cause, effect etc.), but not to treat them as universal, verified knowledge. The pattern also allows to define who is responsible for a particular description of an event and how this description is dealt with. |
Domains: | |
Competency Questions: | |
Solution description: | TODO |
Reusable OWL Building Block: | (46) |
Consequences: | The pattern is rather complex and should only be used if the circumstances of the events presented in a media
are expected to be uncertain (to differ in different news event reports of different news providers). |
Scenarios: | A single actual event, bus drivers protest, is presented in to different media: a TV news station and a news website. John Doe prepared the material for the station Channel 55, owned by Media Corp. This material was presented as first material in a news programme on 16/07/2016, started at 19:30 and ended at 19:35. It was based on correspondent report. The material said that the cause of the protest was malfunction of buses, and that a brutal police intervention took place. The article from website also mentioned malfunction of buses, but it also mentioned other cause of protest: planned reduction of social benefits. It did not mention brutal police intervention, but it did mention destruction of public property. The article seems not important for the website authors, it was presented at the page bottom. |
Known Uses: | |
Web References: | |
Other References: | |
Examples (OWL files): | |
Extracted From: | |
Reengineered From: | |
Has Components: | |
Specialization Of: | |
Related CPs: |
The ReportingNewsEvent Content OP locally defines the following ontology elements:
coversRequirements (owl:AnnotationProperty) This annotation property is used for exemplifying possible requirements the content pattern provides a solution for. Requirements are expressed as natural language competency questions.
coversRequirements pageextractedFrom (owl:AnnotationProperty) This annotation property should be assigned with a URI, which points to the possible reference ontology which the annotated pattern was extracted from (i.e. the reference ontology that the ontology elements have been deeply or partially cloned by). The range is not explicit in the definition of the annotation property because it would turn the ontology to OWL Full. E.g. The participation pattern is extracted from the Dolce Ultra Lite ontology, hence the value for this annotation property is
extractedFrom pagehasComponent (owl:AnnotationProperty) This annotation property is useful for content ontology design patterns. Its value is a URI, which refers to another content ontology design pattern which is a component of the annotated one.
hasComponent pagehasConsequences (owl:AnnotationProperty) This annotation property is used for briefly describing the benefits and/or possible trade-offs when using the CP.
hasConsequences pagehasIntent (owl:AnnotationProperty) This annotation property is used in order to describe the intent of the content pattern.
hasIntent pagehasUnitTest (owl:AnnotationProperty) This property can be used to annotate a unit test (e.g. in the form of a SPARQL query) to be launched to evaluate an ontology against a requirement-based task.
hasUnitTest pageisCloneOf (owl:AnnotationProperty) This annotation property is used for referring a cloned ontology entity to its cloning source.
isCloneOf pageisSpecializationOf (owl:AnnotationProperty) This annotation property is useful for content ontology design patterns and its elements. Its value is a URI, which refers either to a content ontology design pattern that is specialized by the annotated one, or to an ontology element that is specialized by the annotated one.
isSpecializationOf pagereengineeredFrom (owl:AnnotationProperty) This annotation property should be assigned with a URI, which points to the concept schema, page, or anything else from which the annotated pattern was reengineered. If the source does not have any URI e.g., a printed book, this property value should provide information as precise as possible in order to identify the source. This property is alternative to the extractedFrom property because it is used when the pattern come from a concept schema which is not an owl ontology. For example content ontology design patterns, which are reengineered from data model patterns, rdf schemas, etc. should be annotatd with this property. E.g. The basicpersonalfoaf pattern is extracted from the rdf FOAF specification, hence the value for this annotation property is
reengineeredFrom pagerelatedCPs (owl:AnnotationProperty) This annotation property can be used to indicate other CPs (if any) that specialize, generalize, inlcude, or are components of the CP. Furthermore, this field may indicate other CPs that are typically used in conjunction with the described one. Important similarities and differences with other patterns can be also described here.
relatedCPs pagescenarios (owl:AnnotationProperty) This annotation property is used for describing examples of instantiation of the Content OP. For example, for the part-of Content OP (which represents part-whole relations) a possible scenario is the sentence: "the brain is part of the human body". Scenarios are expressed as natural language sentences.
scenarios pageAdditional information
Scenarios about ReportingNewsEvent
No scenario is added to this Content OP.
Reviews about ReportingNewsEvent
There is no review about this proposal. This revision (revision ID 12698) takes in account the reviews: none
Other info at evaluation tab
Modeling issues
Modeling issues about ReportingNewsEvent
There is no Modeling issue related to this proposal.