Submissions:Experience & Observation
From Odp
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If you are author of this proposal or you want to contribute to this pattern's review, you can: specify if this revision takes in account any of the review(s) In general, it could be useful to visit the evaluation section to have information about the evaluation process of this proposal Current revision ID: 14298 |
Graphical representation
General description
Name: | Experience & Observation |
Submitted by: | AlessandroAdamou |
Also Known As: | |
Intent: | to represent the epistemological "missing link" between a cognitive activity, e.g. the interaction with a cultural object, and any evidence of the effects this activity has on the individuals that are engaged with it; what can collectively be considered as an experience. |
Domains: | |
Competency Questions: |
- What personal observations were produced by reflecting upon an activity being carried out? - Which activities performed by someone have prompted an observation from that person and which haven't? |
Solution description: | # SPARQL queries follow, in the same order as the CQs
PREFIX : <> PREFIX activ: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?engagement ?activity WHERE { ?engagement :onActivity ?activity } SELECT DISTINCT ?observation WHERE { ?activity a activ:Activity ; :includes ?observation . ?observation a :Observation } SELECT DISTINCT ?activity WHERE { { ?activity a :Prompt } UNION { ?activity a activ:Activity ; :produced [ ] } } |
Reusable OWL Building Block: | (0) |
Consequences: | Adopting this pattern decomposes the lax notion of experience (e.g. through engaging in reading a book or incidentally hearing some music) into distinguishable elements that can be used in e.g. text annotation with greater precision than with a single named entity representing the experience. |
Scenarios: | A letter or diary entry reports on the writer's experience when reading a book or listening to music |
Known Uses: | |
Web References: | |
Other References: | |
Examples (OWL files): | |
Extracted From: | |
Reengineered From: | |
Has Components: | |
Specialization Of: | |
Related CPs: |
The Experience & Observation Content OP locally defines the following ontology elements:

Additional information
No scenario is added to this Content OP.
There is no review about this proposal. This revision (revision ID 14298) takes in account the reviews: none
Other info at evaluation tab
Modeling issues
There is no Modeling issue related to this proposal.