Training:Practical Web Ontology and Data Design for Legal Knowledge

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Title: Practical Web Ontology and Data Design for Legal Knowledge: A Tutorial at ICAIL 2013, Rome, June 10th, 2013.
Author(s): AldoGangemi, ValentinaPresutti, AndreaNuzzolese


The goal of the tutorial is to enable participants in getting basic-to-average competences (with a glimpse to advanced) about: extracting, reengineering, designing, linking, querying/reasoning on knowledge with reference to Semantic Web and Linked Data content, data, and best practices. Examples will be preferentially taken from the legal domain.

Brief description

The current bootstrapping of open data, public administration data, semantic technologies (in particular at the interface between Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering) involves or requires legal knowledge. However, traditional practices of modelling and reasoning need to be adapted when we consider the broad, heterogeneous, and peculiar context provided by the Web (in its documental, social, linked, semantic, and dynamic aspects).

The intended audience includes AI&Law practicioners that need an introduction to the current trends and practices in the analysis, representation, and practical manipulation of knowledge and semantics on/from the Web.

The tutorial is designed for a full-day, and consists in short lectures, accompanied by web browsing, use of web applications and APIs, and hands-on exercises on either paper or tools.


– Introduction to semantic technologies and ontology editing tools (lecture with hands-on session)

– Ontology design patterns for the legal domain (lecture with hands-on session)

– The Apache Stanbol platform for practical data and ontology design (lecture with hands-on session)

– Knowledge extraction tools for ontology and data design (lecture with hands-on session)


Exercises: No exercises.

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Please refer to the ICAIL 2013 page for details on location and registration for the tutorial.

Tutors include:

Aldo Gangemi (Associate Researcher, CNR, Rome, and Full Professor, LIPN-Université Paris13-CNRS-Sorbonne Cité);; web page. He is tutor on Ontology Design at the International Summer School on the Semantic Web (SSSW) since 2004 (cf. last edition at [1]), and at the LEX International Summer School since 2009 [2]. He's a designer for ontologies such as DOLCE and DnS [3] and the Core Legal Ontology [4], as well as software from STLab Tools [5].

Valentina Presutti (Researcher, CNR, Rome);; web page. She is tutor on ontology engineering and semantic technologies at the International Summer School on the Semantic Web (SSSW) since 2009 (cf. last edition at [1]), and teaches the Knowledge Management course at the University of Bologna since 2010. She's a designer for many design patterns contained in [6] as well as for STLab Tools software [5].

Andrea Nuzzolese (Junior Researcher, CNR, Rome, and PhD student, Università di Bologna); He is completing his PhD on Knowledge Patterns at the University of Bologna, and has taught semantic web technologies in industrial and institutional contexts. He is one of the core developers for the Apache Stanbol platform [7] and STLab Tools [5].








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