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Revision as of 08:26, 14 August 2012 by KarlHammar (Talk | contribs)
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Current revision ID: 11159

Graphical representation



General description

Name: OOPMetrics
Submitted by: IonelVirgilPop
Also Known As:
Intent: To represent software metrics especially for the purpose of detecting design-flaws in software systems based on these metrics. This is useful for re-engineering the software system.

Software Metrics

Competency Questions:
  • What are the software metrics for a particular project/package/class/method?

Knowing the software metrics

  • is there a design-flaw in the software system?
Solution description: This is an ontology pattern that represents software metrics for OOP.
Reusable OWL Building Block: (1195)
Consequences: Software anti-patterns (design-flaws) can be detected based on software metrics by using this ontology pattern.
Scenarios: Find if a class is a God Class based on it's metrics
Known Uses:
Web References:
Other References:
Examples (OWL files):
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Has Components:
Specialization Of:
Related CPs:


The OOPMetrics Content OP locally defines the following ontology elements:

ObjectProperty hasClass (owl:ObjectProperty) Refers to an OOPClass from an OOPPackage.

Se refera la o OOPClass dintr-un OOPPackage.

hasClass page
ObjectProperty hasMethod (owl:ObjectProperty) Refers to an OOPMethod from an OOPClass.

Se refera la o OOPMethod dintr-o OOPClass.

hasMethod page
ObjectProperty hasMetric (owl:ObjectProperty) Refers to a software metric that an OOPProject/OOPPackage/OOPClass/OOPMethod has.

Se refera la o metrica soft pe care o are un/o OOPProject/OOPPackage/OOPClass/ OOPMethod.

hasMetric page
ObjectProperty hasPackage (owl:ObjectProperty) Refers to an OOPPackage from an OOPProject.

Se refera la un OOPPackage dintr-un OOPProject.

hasPackage page
DatatypeProperty hasFloatValue (owl:DatatypeProperty) The real value of the software metric.

Valoarea reala pentru metrica soft.

hasFloatValue page
DatatypeProperty hasIntegerValue (owl:DatatypeProperty) The integer value of the software metric.

Valoarea intreaga pentru metrica soft.

hasIntegerValue page
DatatypeProperty hasName (owl:DatatypeProperty) This represents the name (more precisely the acronym) of the category of software metric. Such as: "WMC" for "Weighted Methods Count", TCC for "Tight Class Cohesion", etc.

Aceasta reprezinta numele (mai precis acronimul) pentru categoria de metrica soft. Cum ar fi: "WMC" pentru "Weighted Methods Count", TCC pentru "Tight Class Cohesion", etc.

hasName page
Class OOPClass (owl:Class) This represents the "class" concept from object-oriented programming.

Aceasta reprezinta conceptul "clasa" din programarea orientata obiect.

OOPClass page
Class OOPMethod (owl:Class) This represents the "method" concept from object-oriented programming.

Aceasta reprezinta conceptul "metoda" din programarea orientata obiect.

OOPMethod page
Class OOPMetric (owl:Class) This represents a software metric specific to object-oriented programming.

Aceasta reprezinta o metrica soft specifica programarii orientate obiect.

OOPMetric page
Class OOPPackage (owl:Class) This represents the "package" concept from object-oriented programming.

Aceasta reprezinta conceptul "pachet" din programarea orientata obiect.

OOPPackage page
Class OOPProject (owl:Class) This represents a software project.

Aceasta reprezinta un proiect soft.

OOPProject page

Additional information

Note from the author to the evaluators: the title of the related article is: "An Ontology Pattern for Software Metrics", submission 21.


Scenarios about OOPMetrics

No scenario is added to this Content OP.


Reviews about OOPMetrics
[<>] Review article [<>] Posted on [<>] About revision (current is 11159)
MariaPoveda about OOPMetrics 245616121 August 2012 1116111,161
RinkeHoekstra about OOPMetrics 245616121 August 2012 1116911,169

This revision (revision ID 11159) takes in account the reviews: MariaPoveda about OOPMetrics, RinkeHoekstra about OOPMetrics

Other info at evaluation tab

Modeling issues

Modeling issues about OOPMetrics

There is no Modeling issue related to this proposal.


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