Template:All proposed re-engineering ODPs

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Classification scheme - adjacency list model - to Taxonomy Re-engineering a classification scheme which follows the adjacency list model to design a taxonomy.


The semantics of the relation between parent and children items are subClassOf.

There is no multi-inheritance nor cyclic relations.
Classification scheme - path enumeration model - to Taxonomy Re-engineering a classification scheme which follows the path enumeration model to design a taxonomy.


The semantics of the relation between parent and children items are subClassOf.

There is no multi-inheritance nor cyclic relations.
Boris Villazón Terrazas
CyclicSubClassOf Sometimes there are several syntactical forms (e.g. syntactical sugar) with the same logical meaning. Refactoring patterns can transform one form to another, they are independant of a specific domain. A explicitly defined cyclic SubClassOf chain is more difficult to discover and understand by a human than an EquivalentClassAxiom. Because it is explicitly defined there is not any dange in replacing it with an (explicitly defined) EquivalentClassAxioms. OlafNoppens
Faceted Classification Scheme Ontological representation of a specific domain concept conceptualized using a Faceted Classification Scheme (FCS). BenedictoRodriguezCastro
Pattern for re-engineering a classification scheme, which follows the adjacency list data model, into an ontology schema Re-engineering a classification scheme, which follows the adjacency list model, to design an ontology schema. BorisVillazón-Terrazas
Pattern for re-engineering a classification scheme, which follows the flattened data model, into an ontology schema Re-engineering a classification scheme, which follows the flattened model, to design an ontology schema. BorisVillazón-Terrazas
Pattern for re-engineering a classification scheme, which follows the path enumeration data model, into an ontology schema Re-engineering a classification scheme which follows the path enumeration data model to design an ontology schema BorisVillazón-Terrazas
Pattern for re-engineering a classification scheme, which follows the snowflake data model, into an ontology schema Re-engineering a classification scheme, which follows the snowflake model, to design an ontology schema. BorisVillazón-Terrazas
Pattern for re-engineering a term-based thesaurus, which follows the recordbased data model, into an ontology schema Re-engineering a term-based thesaurus which follows the record-based model to design an ontology schema. BorisVillazón-Terrazas
Pattern for re-engineering a term-based thesaurus, which follows the relationbased data model, into an ontology schema Re-engineering a term-based thesaurus, which follows the relation-based model, to design an ontology schema. BorisVillazón-Terrazas
Term-based – record-based model – thesaurus to lightweight ontology Re-engineering a term-based thesaurus which follows the record-based

model to design a lightweight ontology.


The semantics of the relation between narrower and broader terms are subClassOf.
Boris Villazón Terrazas
Xsd:sequence embedding This pattern addresses the re-engineering of certain embedded structures within XSD and DTD representations into a meronymic pattern. Wim Peters
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