File list
From Odp
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Date | Name | User | Size | Description |
18:48, 12 October 2010 | Chris.jpg (file) | ValentinaPresutti | 20 KB | (Chris Welty) |
16:42, 3 October 2010 | Context.-slices-example.jpg (file) | ChrisWelty | 55 KB | (fixed example of using context slices: added the believer and fixed direction of arrow) |
14:26, 30 September 2010 | LiteralReificationExample2.png (file) | SilvioPeroni | 42 KB | |
14:24, 30 September 2010 | LiteralReificationExample1.png (file) | SilvioPeroni | 60 KB | |
14:12, 30 September 2010 | Literalreification_new.png (file) | SilvioPeroni | 39 KB | |
16:59, 29 September 2010 | LP-IN-01v1_general.jpg (file) | MariaPoveda | 17 KB | |
16:10, 28 September 2010 | N_aria_provider_service.JPG (file) | MariaPoveda | 19 KB | |
15:01, 28 September 2010 | ResourceSoA.jpg (file) | MariaPoveda | 17 KB | |
14:56, 28 September 2010 | ContextSourceSoA.jpg (file) | MariaPoveda | 16 KB | |
14:49, 28 September 2010 | ServiceProviderSoA_v1.jpg (file) | MariaPoveda | 38 KB | |
14:41, 28 September 2010 | CP-SoA-01v1.jpg (file) | MariaPoveda | 43 KB | |
01:29, 6 September 2010 | FacetedClassificationSchemeOntoExObjProp.png (file) | BenedictoRodriguezCastro | 5 KB | (Object Property Hierarchy of the example ontology model of a Faceted Classification Scheme.) |
01:26, 6 September 2010 | FacetedClassificationStructureOntologyExample.png (file) | BenedictoRodriguezCastro | 62 KB | (Example ontology model of a Faceted Classification Scheme using the Normalization ODP.) |
01:25, 6 September 2010 | FacetedClassificationStructureOntologyExample2.png (file) | BenedictoRodriguezCastro | 62 KB | (Example ontology model of a Faceted Classification Scheme using the Normalization ODP.) |
01:08, 6 September 2010 | FacetedClassificationSchemeGenericStructure.png (file) | BenedictoRodriguezCastro | 10 KB | (Elements of the generic structure of an ontology model to represent a Faceted Classification Scheme using the Normalization ODP.) |
01:03, 6 September 2010 | Denton_-_2003_-_FCS_Dishwashing_Detergent.jpg (file) | BenedictoRodriguezCastro | 23 KB | (Example of Faceted Classification Scheme for the domain concept "Dishwashing Detergent" from (Denton, 2003).) |
00:58, 6 September 2010 | MappingFCSNormalizationODP.png (file) | BenedictoRodriguezCastro | 25 KB | (Mapping between the elements in the generic structure of a Faceted Classification Scheme and the Normalization ODP.) |
00:53, 6 September 2010 | FacetedClassificationScheme_GenericStructure.png (file) | BenedictoRodriguezCastro | 20 KB | (Elements of the generic structure of a Faceted Classification Scheme from the field of Information and Library Science.) |
00:17, 6 September 2010 | NormalizationGenericStructure2.png (file) | BenedictoRodriguezCastro | 11 KB | (Generic structure of the Normalization ODP.) |
00:07, 6 September 2010 | NormalizationGenericStructure1.png (file) | BenedictoRodriguezCastro | 31 KB | (Generic structure of the Normalization ODP.) |
17:30, 5 September 2010 | Normalisation_instance.png (file) | BenedictoRodriguezCastro | 103 KB | (Sample structure of the Normalization ODP.) |
17:28, 5 September 2010 | Normalisation_abstract.png (file) | BenedictoRodriguezCastro | 82 KB | (Abstract structure of the Normalization ODP.) |
14:09, 1 September 2010 | Symmetric_n-ary_relationship_distance.jpg (file) | MariaPoveda | 7 KB | |
14:03, 1 September 2010 | Symmetric_n-ary_relationship_v1.jpg (file) | MariaPoveda | 6 KB | |
11:26, 24 August 2010 | ServiceProviderSoA.jpg (file) | MariaPoveda | 43 KB | |
16:26, 16 August 2010 | 2ndCFPatterns.txt (file) | EvaBlomqvist | 6 KB | (Final CF Patterns for WOP2010) |
19:55, 12 August 2010 | CFP-PDF.pdf (file) | ValentinaPresutti | 53 KB | (WOP 2010 Call for papers/posters/demos) |
15:39, 10 August 2010 | Literalreification.png (file) | SilvioPeroni | 13 KB | (A diagram for the proposed Literal Reification pattern) |
12:38, 30 June 2010 | CFPatterns1st.pdf (file) | EvaBlomqvist | 47 KB | (wop 2010 first CFPatterns) |
21:33, 22 June 2010 | Facet_normalisation_odp_prot4x_n3.txt (file) | BenedictoRodriguezCastro | 15 KB | (Normalisation ODP applied to a generic Faceted Classification Scheme. Protege 4.x OWL 2 N3 ) |
06:50, 25 May 2010 | De_Clars_Instant_Lifting_Mask.jpg (file) | Kerekestunde | 23 KB | |
13:24, 9 May 2010 | Odptypes.jpg (file) | EvaBlomqvist | 51 KB | |
19:37, 1 April 2010 | Wftbthrelloexample.png (file) | BorisVillazón-Terrazas | 14 KB | |
19:37, 1 April 2010 | Wftbthrello.png (file) | BorisVillazón-Terrazas | 55 KB | |
19:37, 1 April 2010 | RelationbasedtermbasedSubClassOfExample.png (file) | BorisVillazón-Terrazas | 36 KB | |
19:36, 1 April 2010 | RelationbasedtermbasedOntology.png (file) | BorisVillazón-Terrazas | 33 KB | |
19:36, 1 April 2010 | RelationbasedtermbasedAgrovoc.png (file) | BorisVillazón-Terrazas | 74 KB | |
19:36, 1 April 2010 | Relationbasedtermbased.png (file) | BorisVillazón-Terrazas | 63 KB | |
18:51, 1 April 2010 | Wfcsftsoexample.png (file) | BorisVillazón-Terrazas | 36 KB | |
18:51, 1 April 2010 | Wfcsftso.png (file) | BorisVillazón-Terrazas | 39 KB | |
18:51, 1 April 2010 | OntologyFlattenedEducationTitles.png (file) | BorisVillazón-Terrazas | 22 KB | |
18:50, 1 April 2010 | FlattenedEntity.png (file) | BorisVillazón-Terrazas | 39 KB | |
17:40, 1 April 2010 | Wfcssfsoexample.png (file) | BorisVillazón-Terrazas | 29 KB | |
17:40, 1 April 2010 | Wfcssfso.png (file) | BorisVillazón-Terrazas | 39 KB | |
17:39, 1 April 2010 | Snowflake.png (file) | BorisVillazón-Terrazas | 101 KB | |
17:39, 1 April 2010 | OccupationsOntologySnowFlake.png (file) | BorisVillazón-Terrazas | 22 KB | |
22:44, 24 March 2010 | CommunicationEvent.jpg (file) | EvaBlomqvist | 197 KB | (Illustration of the CommunicationEvent content pattern.) |
17:07, 24 March 2010 | ParticipantRole.jpg (file) | EvaBlomqvist | 93 KB | (Illustration of the ParticipantRole content pattern.) |
10:13, 9 March 2010 | LP-IN-01v1.jpg (file) | MariaPoveda | 24 KB | |
08:41, 4 March 2010 | Exmo-medium.gif (file) | FrancoisScharffe | 5 KB |
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