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Pages using the property "ContentODPDescription"

Showing 25 pages using this property.


AOS AGROVOC Concept Server fundation ontology model +-
ActingFor +-
Action +This pattern models an action class, and subclasses that represents different kinds of actions depending on their properties. It also includes properties of actions such as status and duration.
ActivitySpecification +The proposed solution adopts a view of causality similar to the Event Calculus [Kowalski, 1986], employing the concept of manifestations to describe the states (fluents).
Actuation-Actuator-Effect +This pattern mirrors the Stimulus-Sensor-O This pattern mirrors the Stimulus-Sensor-Observation ontology design pattern, described at The idea was to extend SSN in order to model the notion of connected Actuator, and not only Sensor. To do so, we adapted SSN's core pattern, SSO, into AAE. adapted SSN's core pattern, SSO, into AAE.
AffectedBy +The AffectedBy ODP consists of two classes The AffectedBy ODP consists of two classes aff:FeatureOfInterest and aff:Quality; and three properties aff:influencedBy, aff:belongsTo, and aff:affectedBy. This ODP is a reengineering of the SEAS Feature of Interest ontology ( The constraint on the property seas:derivesFrom to be symmetric is unnecessary and sometimes innapropriate. For instance, the temperature of a room may derive from the occupancy of the room; however, it is not necessary that the occupancy derives from the temperature of the room. A new property aff:affectedBy (released from the symmetric constraint) is defined in the AffectedBy ODP to replace the role of the property seas:derivesFrom. It can be asserted that seas:derivesFrom is sub property of aff:affectedBy. The class aff:FeatureOfInterest is equivalent to seas:FeatureOfInterest, and the class seas:Property is sub class of aff:Quality. Moreover, seas:hasProperty is sub property of aff:influencedBy, and seas:isPropertyOf is sub property of aff:belongsTo. Furthermore, aff:belongsTo is defined to be functional, to support the notion that a quality is intrinsic to the feature of interest (i.e., an entity) to which it belongs (according to the conceptualization in DUL); and it is asserted that every quality belongs to a feature of interest (aff:Quality rdfs:subClassOf aff:belongsTo some aff:FeatureOfInterest). Finally, the object chain axiom aff:influencedBy o aff:affectedBy rdfs:subPropertyOf aff:influencedBy is asserted. ubPropertyOf aff:influencedBy is asserted.
Affordance +The Afforndance ODP relies on the descriptions and situations ODP, and is combined with a frame-based representation scheme. This allows to extend the notion of affordance not only to physical objects, but also complex situations afford actions.
AgentRole +stub
AlgorithmImplementationExecution +Beloit it is provided the formalization of Beloit it is provided the formalization of the pattern in the Web Ontology Language (OWL) in Manchester syntax: Algorithm SubClassOf InformationEntity <br /> Implementation SubClassOf InformationEntity <br /> Implementation SubClassOf implements some Algorithm <br /> Implementation SubClassOf hasParameter some Parameter <br /> Execution SubClassOf Process <br /> Execution SubClassOf hasInput some ParameterSetting <br /> Execution SubClassOf realizes some Algorithm <br /> Execution SubClassOf achieves some Task <br /> Execution SubClassOf hasDuration some TimeInterval <br /> Parameter SubClassOf InformationEntity <br /> ParameterSetting SubClassOf InformationEntity <br /> ParameterSetting SubClassOf specifiedBy some Parameter <br /> ParameterSetting SubClassOf hasValue some rdfs:Literal <br /> Input SubClassOf InformationEntity <br /> Output SubClassOf InformationEntity <br /> Task SubClassOf InformationEntity <br /> Task SubClassOf definedOn some Input <br /> Top SubClassOf hasInput only Input <br /> Top SubClassOf hasOutput only Output <br /> ClassOf hasOutput only Output <br />
An Ontology Design Pattern for Activity Reasoning +Activity is an important concept in many f Activity is an important concept in many fields, and a number of activity-related ontologies have been developed. While suitable for their designated use cases, these ontologies cannot be easily generalized to other applications. This work aims at providing a generic ontology design pattern to model the common core of activities in different domains. Such a pattern can be used as a building block to construct more specific activity ontologies. nstruct more specific activity ontologies.
AquaticResourceObservation +This pattern specializes the observation p This pattern specializes the observation pattern in order to represent situations of aquatic resource features, which contain parameters, time, place, etc. A peculiar difference is the use of two temporal indexes: reference and reporting times. The first is the time, at which the situation represented occurred; the second is the time, at which the observation has been reported. t which the observation has been reported.
AquaticResources +--
GeoInsight +A CONTENTSTATEMENT about the GEOVISUALIZAT A CONTENTSTATEMENT about the GEOVISUALIZATION with the SOURCE is: "the countries most affected (million per population) in the Americas are the United States, Columbia, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, and Chile". That CONTENTSTATEMENT highlights at DATAPATTERN of type CLUSTER highlights at DATAPATTERN of type CLUSTER


Bag +The Bag is characterized by a collection that can have multiple copies of each object. This is performed through the Item entity. The Item is linking exactly one resource through the relationship itemContent.
BasicPlan +-
BasicPlanExecution +-
Bias Event Pattern +We contribute towards improving the interpretation of the biases affecting ML systems while also accounting for them. We see this ODP as a building block to produce reliable and bias-aware documentation of machine learning pipelines
Biological Entities +stub
Born Digital Archives +The pattern's main entity is a unit, subclassed by fonds, series, files and items.


Complaint Design Pattern +The solution is implemented as an OWL file []
CatchRecord +This pattern specializes the observation p This pattern specializes the observation pattern in order to represent situations of aquatic species catching that contain parameters, time, place, etc. A peculiar difference is the use of two temporal indexes: reference and reporting times. The first is the time, at which the situation represented occurred; the second is the time, at which the observation has been reported. t which the observation has been reported.
ChessGame +This pattern represents a flexible schema for linked data querying of chess games. Players are modeled as AgentRole. In addition, notions such as chess moves, chess tournaments, as well as chess game annotation are included.
City Resident Pattern +The Resident class is a subclass of Person The Resident class is a subclass of Person. The properties of the Resident class are used to construct the definition of a resident for a particular city. These properties are: • a residence property hasResidence that specifies one or more individuals of Residence, where each individual specifies a residence distinguished by city, address and/or time interval. A resident can have more than one residence; • a citizenship property citizenOf that specifies one or more Citizenship’s, each specifying the country (Country) and time interval (time:ProperInterval) the resident is a citizen. A person can be a citizen of more than country and for different time intervals; • an ownership property owns, that specifies zero or more ControlledEntity’s where entity’s are buildings (Building) and/or land areas (LandArea) that the resident owns; and • a business operate property operate, that specifies zero or more ControlledEntity where the entity is an Organization that the resident operates. The ControlledEntity and Citizenship classes are necessary to capture the time inter-val during which an entity is owned or operated, or the person is a citizen of a country. A major part of determining whether a person is a resident of a city is the specification of where and when they have resided. The hasResidence property links a Resident to a Residence. The cardinality of the property is greater than one as over time a person may reside in more than one place/address, in the same city and/or different cities. The Residence class specifies • a location property forCity whose range is a single city (City), • a time interval property time:hasTime whose range is a single time interval, • the home type property hasHomeType whose range is a single type of home, such house, apartment, etc., • an address property hasAddress whose range is a single address, and • a property hasResidentialRelationship whose range specifies whether the resident rents, owns, etc. the home. The temporal extent of individuals of Residence can imply a total or partial ordering on the individuals, as a person may reside in more than one place at the same time. e in more than one place at the same time.
Classification +-
ClimaticZone +--
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