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Pages using the property "MainMotivationForJoiningOdp"

Showing 25 pages using this property.


AndrewWalker +I am working on automated question answering over linked data and would like to propose some lexico-syntactic patterns pertaining to this.
AndreyGvozdev +My main motivaton for joinning the ODP community is getting of new information and knowledge in sphere of semantic web. Also it is very interesting to speak to people, discuss different questions and new ideas.
AnilaSaharButt +I am working on ontology design and I just received a reviewer comment to use some ontology design patterns from the one listed on this page.
Anitaliang +working on enterprise level ontologies for which we need some level of consistency across models
AnnaLisaGentile +to have some help to solve modeling problems
AnsgarScherp +Contributing our core ontologies such as M3O and Event-Model-F.
AntonioLieto +Evaluation Project
Antoniod'agata +for understanding ODP well
AnusuriyaDevaraju +To get familiar with related work,and share experiences in developing ontology patterns.
ArminHaller +Providing patterns.
ArmirBujari +Computational Ontology Lectures, Bologna 2011
ArouaTaamallah +When I have discovered the ODPs I found them very useful to solve modeling problems.
Arunjayaprakash +to create ontology
AshleyMarty +I want to learn more and have a place to bounce around ideas.
AsifAkram +Its a part of our course work. Moreover, I want to work in this field in future.
Asmamoinuddin +working on master thesis in ODP
AugustineNaidu +To see how semantics play a role in data management
AuriolDegbelo +Exchange experience regarding the design and use of ontology design patterns
AymanAlawin +Learning


BabyAshwinGobin +I am currently doing my Phd on ontology modules. I am investigating on how design patterns can help build ontology modules.
BadraldeenHassanAltahir +My phd in ontology design pattern
BenAdams +To contribute to the development of ODPs
BenDeMeester +Proposing an ontology that matches with an ontology design pattern
BenedictoRodriguezCastro +To collaborate in the understanding and development of ODPs
BerenikeLoos +Ontology modelling within the federal project THESEUS
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