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First name Burt
Last name Crépeault
Email address -
Personal web site -
Organization MEDICS Laboratory
Organization type Educational Training and Research Institution
Organization web site
Country Canada (CA)
Role in the organization Developer


Main motivation for joining ODP community: I am currently developing an ontology to assist in Alzheimer's Disease (AD) diagnostic and was looking for a high-level ontology on which to base my work. DUL+DnS appears to me like an excellent starting point for what I wish to accomplish. However, I am fairly new at this and have some basic questions about the right way of doing this and that. I'm looking for a forum that will (patiently) answer those questions and guide me through this (to me) daunting task.

Possible main contribution to ODP community: To help other users to solve modeling problems

Domains of interest:

Is expert of:

How did I know about ODP: surfing the web

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