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Current revision ID: 14151

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General description

Name: Pollution
Submitted by: SaadAhmad
Also Known As:
Intent: The Pollution ontology design pattern (ODP) intends to model the pollution, the pollutants and their observations at various spatio-temporal points. It also captures the information about the various direct and indirect sources of pollution. The Pollution ODP makes use of Trajectory, Observation and Stub-Metapattern ODPs. The ODP can be used for various kinds of pollution such as air, water, soil, space debris and sound.

Earth Science or Geoscience

Competency Questions:
  • 1. What are the contributors responsible for pollution? 2. What is the pollutant concentration at a particular time and place? 3. What are the carriers that contributed to the pollution? 4. What are the attributes associated with a trajectory? 5. What are the biological or chemical pollutants in the pollution?
Solution description: The ODP uses Trajectory ODP, Observation ODP and Stub Metapattern ODP. At the core of the ODP is the Pollution class which is connected to various contributors. These contributors use Trajectory or Observation ODP to represent their spatio-temporal state.
Reusable OWL Building Block: (0)
Consequences: This ODP is a first for modelling pollution and is an improvement over some of the ontologies that focus on very specific aspects of pollution. It allows to model pollution sources as well as monitor the pollution at spatio-temporal points.
Scenarios: 1. Which pollutant sources contribute to a wind stream which flows into a place? 2. What was the precipitation level on 23rd April at a particular location? 3. What locations have an AQI beyond a certain threshold in a certain region in a given month?
Known Uses:
Web References:
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Examples (OWL files):
Extracted From:
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Has Components:
Specialization Of:
Related CPs:


The Pollution Content OP locally defines the following ontology elements:

Authors (owl:AnnotationProperty)
Authors page
ObjectProperty atPlace (owl:ObjectProperty)
atPlace page
ObjectProperty atTime (owl:ObjectProperty)
atTime page
ObjectProperty carriesPollutant (owl:ObjectProperty)
carriesPollutant page
ObjectProperty endsAt (owl:ObjectProperty) Connects a segment to the point it ends at.
endsAt page
ObjectProperty hasCarrier (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasCarrier page
ObjectProperty hasContributor (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasContributor page
ObjectProperty hasObservation (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasObservation page
ObjectProperty hasPoint (owl:ObjectProperty) Relating the trajectory to each of its points.
hasPoint page
ObjectProperty hasPrescribedStandard (owl:ObjectProperty)
hasPrescribedStandard page
ObjectProperty hasSegment (owl:ObjectProperty) Relating the trajectory to each of its segments.
hasSegment page
ObjectProperty hasTrajectory (owl:ObjectProperty) Anything that has a trajectory can use this property to connect it to the trajectory instance
hasTrajectory page
ObjectProperty nearby (owl:ObjectProperty)
nearby page
ObjectProperty nextPoint (owl:ObjectProperty) Relates one point to the immediately following point in the sequence.
nextPoint page
ObjectProperty startsFrom (owl:ObjectProperty) Connects a segment to the point it starts from.
startsFrom page
Class AirPollution (owl:Class)
AirPollution page
Class AirStreamCarrier (owl:Class)
AirStreamCarrier page
Class BioChemicalPollutant (owl:Class) Biochemical wastes generated from industries
BioChemicalPollutant page
Class BiologicalOrganism (owl:Class) Examples include Viruses, pathogens, bacteria or other medium to small pollutant organism which can act as a pollutant above a certain threshold concentration
BiologicalOrganism page
Class Carrier (owl:Class) Represents streams which carry pollutants to a particular place.
Carrier page
Class ChemicalPollutant (owl:Class) Examples include toxic metal, radionuclides, organophosphorus compounds, gases
ChemicalPollutant page
Class Contributor (owl:Class)
Contributor page
Class DirectContributor (owl:Class) Represents concepts which directly represent pollution. For example the concentration of pollutants at a particular spatio-temporal point.
DirectContributor page
Class EndingPoint (owl:Class)
EndingPoint page
Class GeoChemicalPollutant (owl:Class) Examples include dust, sediment
GeoChemicalPollutant page
Class IndirectContributor (owl:Class) Represents concepts which indirectly contribute to pollution of a place. These do not directly represent pollution but have properties which can affect the pollution, for example by changing the concentration of pollutants at a spatio-temporal point.
IndirectContributor page
Class NaturalResourcePollution (owl:Class) Represents pollution on natural resources. Which means the pollution that affects natural resources like air, water, land, etc.
NaturalResourcePollution page
Class NonNaturalResourcePollution (owl:Class) Represents pollution which does not represent natural resource. Examples include, sound, light, space debris, radioactive pollution, thermal pollution.
NonNaturalResourcePollution page
Class Observation (owl:Class) Observation represents a spatio-temporal observation of pollutants under time and place parameters.
Observation page
Class PhysicalPollutant (owl:Class) Can be Physical pollutants like Sound, Thermal energy, etc.
PhysicalPollutant page
Class PlaceEntity (owl:Class)
PlaceEntity page
Class Pollutant (owl:Class) Represents various pollutants which contaminate the environment and directly represnt/contribute to pollution. Additionally a carrier's trajecectory point may pick up pollutants from a spatio-temporal point, in which case, it is represented by the sub-property carriesPollutant.
Pollutant page
Class Pollution (owl:Class) Represnents the notion of Pollution which includes observation of pollutants at spatio-temporal points or the contributors to the pollution which may be spatio-temporal in nature.
Pollution page
Class PrescribedStandardForPollutant (owl:Class)
PrescribedStandardForPollutant page
Class SocioEconomicFactor (owl:Class) Represents demographics, policies, housing, crop production, etc.
SocioEconomicFactor page
Class SoilPollution (owl:Class)
SoilPollution page
Class StartingPoint (owl:Class)
StartingPoint page
Class TimeEntity (owl:Class)
TimeEntity page
Class Trajectory (owl:Class) Represents a trajectory of points. Examples include drainage/sewage trajectory or air stream trajectory.
Trajectory page
Class TrajectoryPoint (owl:Class) A collection of spatio-temporal points represents a trajectory
TrajectoryPoint page
Class TrajectorySegment (owl:Class) A subset of spatio-temporal trajectory points represent a TrajectorySegment
TrajectorySegment page
Class WaterPollution (owl:Class)
WaterPollution page
Class WaterStreamCarrier (owl:Class)
WaterStreamCarrier page
Class Weather (owl:Class) Represents environmental factors like temperature, Air pressure, water pressure, precipitation properties, etc.
Weather page

Additional information

This ontology is an attempt at a ODP designed to model Pollution. Pollution can be defined as


Scenarios about Pollution

No scenario is added to this Content OP.


Reviews about Pollution

There is no review about this proposal. This revision (revision ID 14151) takes in account the reviews: none

Other info at evaluation tab

Modeling issues

Modeling issues about Pollution

There is no Modeling issue related to this proposal.


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