The pollution ODP uses Trajectory, Observation and Stub_Metapattern ODP at its core to represent pollution. Pollution is the core concept in the ODP and is connected to multiple contributors, which can have spatio-temporal characteristics.
1. What are the contributors of the pollut … 1. What are the contributors of the pollution? 2. What is the pollutant concentration at a particular time and place? 3. What are the carriers that contributed to the pollution? 4. What are the pollutants carried by a carrier? 5. What are the prescribed standards for a particular pollutant? 6. What is the trajectory of a carrier for a pollutant? e trajectory of a carrier for a pollutant?
ODP new.png +
Trajectory +,
Observation +,
Stub Metapattern +
This ODP is a first for modelling pollution and is an improvement over some of the ontologies that focus on very specific aspects of pollution. It allows to model pollution sources as well as monitor the pollution at spatio-temporal points.
Pollution/Authors +,
Pollution/atPlace +,
Pollution/atTime +,
Pollution/carriesPollutant +,
Pollution/endsAt +,
Pollution/hasContributor +,
Pollution/hasObservation +,
Pollution/hasPoint +,
Pollution/hasPrescribedStandard +,
Pollution/hasSegment +,
Pollution/hasTrajectory +,
Pollution/nextPoint +,
Pollution/startsFrom +,
Pollution/Carrier +,
Pollution/Contributor +,
Pollution/DirectContributor +,
Pollution/EndingPoint +,
Pollution/IndirectContributor +,
Pollution/NaturalResourcePollution +,
Pollution/NonNaturalResourcePollution +,
Pollution/Observation +,
Pollution/PlaceEntity +,
Pollution/Pollutant +,
Pollution/Pollution +,
Pollution/PrescribedStandardForPollutant +,
Pollution/StartingPoint +,
Pollution/TimeEntity +,
Pollution/Trajectory +,
Pollution/TrajectoryPoint +,
Pollution/TrajectorySegment +
The Pollution ontology design pattern (ODP … The Pollution ontology design pattern (ODP) intends to model the pollution, the pollutants and their observations at various spatio-temporal points. It also captures the information about the various direct and indirect sources of pollution. The Pollution ODP makes use of Trajectory, Observation and Stub-Metapattern ODPs. ry, Observation and Stub-Metapattern ODPs.
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki.
6 September 2021 07:03:08 +
Pollution +
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1. Which pollutant sources contribute to a wind stream which flows into a place? 2. What was the precipitation level on 23rd April at a particular location? 3. What locations have an AQI beyond a certain threshold in a certain region in a given month?
SaadAhmad +
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