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Organization Relates the major organization(s) associated with an ontology. This may be who owns and controls the ontology, the organization(s) managing associated projects, or where most of the work was or is being done. This is a property of type String.

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Pages using the property "OntologyOrganization"

Showing 6 pages using this property.


QUDT: Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Types +NASA  +, TopQuadrant  +


RRSO +Department of Computer Engineering  +, Faculty of Engineering  +, Eastern Mediterranean University  +,
Resume Recommender System Ontology (RRSO) +EMU  +


SNomenclature Ontology +Atos Origin  +
SRE - Sub-pixel Efficacy Region & SRI - Signal Resilient to Interpolation +University for Information Science and Technology "St. Paul the Apostle"  +
Smart Product Description Object (SPDO) +Research Center for Intelligent Media  +
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