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Long Description. This property contains a longer description of the entity it refers to than is given in the property Description.

This is a property of type Text.

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Pages using the property "LongDescription"

Showing 2 pages using this property.


Smart Product Description Object (SPDO) +Since 2005, we are working on the Smart Pr Since 2005, we are working on the Smart Product Description Object (SPDO) - a semantic and dynamic product information that describes Smart Products in ambient environments. It enables an advanced and automatic processing in terms of updates and extensions based on rule languages, for instance SWRL (Maass & Filler, 2007; Maass et al., 2007). Our first version of the SPDO consisted of three parts – the foundational ontology (DOLCE Ultralite), the Container Model and Domain-Specific Ontologies (Janzen & Maass, 2008). The Container Model covered five facets: Product Description, Business Description, Community Description, Presentation Description and Trust&Security Description. Each of the facets was able to be extended by domain-specific information of the domain ontologies. AmI environments are required to be context-oriented, user-centered, and network-enabled. In summary, such intelligent environments possess a modularized structure consisting of (1) users, (2) objects, (3) services, (4) physical space, (5) infosphere (information space), and (6) social space. The first version of the SPDO integrated all scopes of this structure in a single ontology. This did not correspond to the modular character of ambient environments and affected the processing of the ontology within the ambient environment, more precisely Tip `n Tell (Maass & Filler, 2006) negatively. We developed the second version of the SPDO for an AmI application in the cosmetics domain to solve the aforementioned problems. In line with this development, we defined the Pattern-based Ontology Building Method for Ambient Environments (POnA) (Maass & Janzen, 2009). The methodology reuses UPON's detailed engineering approach and combines it with an approach proposed by the NeOn methodology that is centered on ontology design patterns. Our hypothesis is that a combination of systematic methodologies and ontology design patterns constitute a more detailed and thus efficient approach to designing ontologies for ambient environments. Based on descriptions of situation types, Competency Questions and term structures, prototypical ontology design patterns (PODPs) are derived and formally modeled by reusing Ontology Design Patterns grounded in DOLCE. PODPs consist of conceptual entities, called scopes, and relations (Maass & Varshney, 2009). There are four scopes: product, context, user and information. The product scope covers all necessary information that is part of the product itself, e.g., information about price and material. The resulting second version of the SPDO covers the product scope and represents a core model of generic prototypical aspects of consumer products. Domain-specific conceptualizations can be added as modules, for instance concepts of the cosmetic domain. SPDO consists of 21 classes, 40 object and 30 data properties. Statements about alternative or matching products are generated by processing certain concepts of SPDO instantiations while each SPDO describes one particular product. Now, we are able to clearly separate product-centered knowledge from other ontological parts, which is important for AmI environments. Thus, each product could be labeled by dedicated semantic product information. Instances of SPDO models are used as product-centered knowledge bases for Natural Language Processing modules and product reasoning (Janzen & Maass, 2008). In addition, SPDO is geared to concepts of standardized product descriptions (e.g. BMEcat) and affords the import and export of product information into the SPDO and respectively into external data systems. <br /> <br /> References:<br /> Maass, W. & Varshney, W. A Framework for Smart Healthcare Situations and Smart Drugs. SIG-Health Pre-AMCIS Workshop at the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2009). San Francisco, USA. Maass, W. & Janzen, S. A Pattern-based Ontology Building Method for Ambient Environments Workshop on Ontology Patterns - WOP2009 at the 8th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2009), Washington, DC, 2009. Janzen, S. & Maass, W. CoRA - Interactive Communication with Smart Products Workshop AmI Blocks at the European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI-08), Nürnberg, Germany, 2008. Janzen, S. & Maass, W. Smart Product Description Object (SPDO) Poster Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS2008), Saarbrücken, Germany, 2008. Maass, W., Filler, A. & Janzen, S. Reasoning on Smart Products in Consumer Good Domains Workshop AmI Blocks at the European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI-07) , Darmstadt, 2007. Maass, W., Behrendt, W. and Gangemi, A. Carrier Model for Semantically Annotated Information Goods Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (JTAER), 2(3), p. 18-35, 2007. Maass, W. & Filler, A. Tip 'n Tell: Product-Centered Mobile Reasoning Support for Tangible Shopping , Proc. of MSWFB 2007: Making Semantics Work For Business, part of 1st European Semantic Technology Conference, Vienna, Austria, 2007. Maass, W. A Tentative Design Model for Smart Products Proc. of Workshop Design of Smart Products, Furtwangen, 2007. Filler, A. & Maass, W. Towards Navigation in Semantically Annotated Physical Product Descriptions, In: Maass, W.; Schoder, D.; Stahl, F.; Fischbach, K. (eds.): Design of Smart Products, pp. 47-54, Furtwangen, 2007. Maass, W. & Filler, A. Towards an infrastructure for semantically annotated physical products. In Ch. Hochberger and R. Liskowsky, editors, Informatik 2006, volume P-94 of Lecture Notes in Informatics, p. 544–549, Berlin, Springer, 2006. atics, p. 544–549, Berlin, Springer, 2006.


Weighting Ontology +The Weighting Ontology includes a general The Weighting Ontology includes a general multiple purpose weight concept. This concept can be used to associate any concept to a wo:Weight instance(s) with the property wo:weight. The second property of wo:Weight is wo:weight_value, which is a simple xsd:decimal based datatype property to associate the numeric value of the weighting. Furthermore, this ontology includes a wo:Scale, which is modeled as a sub class of scovo:Dimension to relate it to its specified scovo:Item based concept (wo:Weight) via wo:scale. To define the range of this scale the properties wo:min_weight and wo:min_weight can be used. These are sub properties of the related minimum and maximum properties of the Statistical Core Vocabulary (scovo:min and scovo:max) and the Review Vocabulary (rev:minRating and rev:maxRating). Finally one can define a step size (wo:step_size) for the weighting scales. e (wo:step_size) for the weighting scales.
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