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Current revision ID: 9096

Graphical representation



General description

Name: Invoice
Submitted by: AldoGangemi, JoseManuelGomez
Also Known As:
Intent: To represent the core attributes of an invoice


Competency Questions:
  • What are the transactions involved in this invoice?
  • What is the order this invoice is referring to?
  • What is the line item for this invoice?
  • What is the amount of the transactions involved in this invoice?
  • What currency is applied to this invoice?
Solution description: -
Reusable OWL Building Block: (1131)
Consequences: Heterogeneous models for invoices can be aligned to this pattern, which then acts as a semantic facade to different invoice management applications. The Context class can be used to gather temporal,spatial and organizational data. Otherwise, other specific patterns can be composed in order to deal with that.
Scenarios: An invoice refers to transactions related to an ordered item for a certain amount of currency, and is grounded in a (legally valid) document.
Known Uses:
Web References:
Other References:
Examples (OWL files):
Extracted From:
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Has Components:
Specialization Of:
Related CPs:


The Invoice Content OP locally defines the following ontology elements:

Class Buying (owl:Class) The intention to buy in a financial transaction or order

Buying page

Class Context (owl:Class) The context of an invoice (space, time, organization)

Context page

Class Currency measure (owl:Class) A currency unit, e.g. euro cent, dollar

CurrencyMeasure page

Class Grounding (owl:Class) A physical invoice document

Grounding page

Class Invoice (owl:Class) An invoice (information object)

Invoice page

Class Line item (owl:Class) A single item in a commercial transaction

LineItem page

Class Order (owl:Class) A stated intention, either spoken or written, to engage in a commercial transaction for specific products or services. From a buyer's point of view it expresses the intention to buy and is called a purchase order ( buying in this pattern). From a seller's point of view it expresses the intention to sell and is referred to as a sales order ( selling in this pattern)

Order page

Class Selling (owl:Class) The intention to sell in a financial transaction or order

Selling page

Class Transaction amount (owl:Class) The amount of currency involved in the transaction referred in the invoice

TransactionAmount page

ObjectProperty buyer transaction (owl:ObjectProperty) A relation between an invoice and a buying (buyer-oriented transaction)

buyerTransaction page
context page

ObjectProperty grounding (owl:ObjectProperty) A relation between an invoice and the document that realizes it

grounding page

DatatypeProperty invoice currency code (owl:DatatypeProperty) A relation between an invoice and the code of its currency

invoiceCurrencyCode page
invoiceCurrencyType page

ObjectProperty issue date (owl:ObjectProperty) A relation between an invoice and a date description, e.g. from W3 Time ontology

issuedate page

ObjectProperty line item (owl:ObjectProperty) A relation between an invoice and a line item

lineItem page
priceCurrencyType page
referenceOrder page
sellerTransaction page
subText page
taxCurrencyType page
taxPointDate page

DatatypeProperty ID (owl:DatatypeProperty) The identifier for an invoice

ID page

DatatypeProperty line item count quantity (owl:DatatypeProperty) a relation to express how many instances of a line item are involved in an order referred by an invoice

lineItemCountQuantity page

Additional information


Scenarios about Invoice

No scenario is added to this Content OP.


Reviews about Invoice

There is no review about this proposal. This revision (revision ID 9096) takes in account the reviews: none

Other info at evaluation tab

Modeling issues

Modeling issues about Invoice

There is no Modeling issue related to this proposal.


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