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ContentODPDescription -
CoversRequirement What are the transactions involved in this invoice?, What is the order this invoice is referring to?, What is the line item for this invoice?, What is the amount of the transactions involved in this invoice?, What currency is applied to this invoice?
ExtractedFrom  +
GraphicallyRepresentedBy Invoice.jpg +
HasConsequence Heterogeneous models for invoices can be a Heterogeneous models for invoices can be aligned to this pattern, which then acts as a semantic facade to different invoice management applications. The Context class can be used to gather temporal,spatial and organizational data. Otherwise, other specific patterns can be composed in order to deal with that. an be composed in order to deal with that.
HasElement Invoice/Buying +, Invoice/Context +, Invoice/CurrencyMeasure +, Invoice/Grounding +, Invoice/Invoice +, Invoice/LineItem +, Invoice/Order +, Invoice/Selling +, Invoice/TransactionAmount +, Invoice/buyerTransaction +, Invoice/context +, Invoice/grounding +, Invoice/invoiceCurrencyCode +, Invoice/invoiceCurrencyType +, Invoice/issuedate +, Invoice/lineItem +, Invoice/priceCurrencyType +, Invoice/referenceOrder +, Invoice/sellerTransaction +, Invoice/subText +, Invoice/taxCurrencyType +, Invoice/taxPointDate +, Invoice/ID +, Invoice/lineItemCountQuantity +
HasIntent To represent the core attributes of an invoice
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2010 13:07:19  +
Name Invoice  +
OWLBuildingBlock  +
PatternDomain Business +
Scenario An invoice refers to transactions related to an ordered item for a certain amount of currency, and is grounded in a (legally valid) document.
SubmittedBy AldoGangemi +, JoseManuelGomez +
Categories ProposedContentOP +
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Invoice/Buying +, Invoice/Context +, Invoice/CurrencyMeasure +, Invoice/Grounding +, Invoice/ID +, Invoice/Invoice +, Invoice/LineItem +, Invoice/Order +, Invoice/Selling +, Invoice/TransactionAmount +, Invoice/buyerTransaction +, Invoice/grounding +, Invoice/invoiceCurrencyCode +, Invoice/issuedate +, Invoice/lineItem +, Invoice/lineItemCountQuantity + ElementOf
PharmaInnova + RelatedCP


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