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OntologyPurpose Brief description of what the ontology is for and what the intended benefits are to whom. This is a property of type Text.
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Pages using the property "OntologyPurpose"
Showing 21 pages using this property.
L | |
LIR + | - |
LMM + | - |
M | |
Media Value Chain Ontology + | Represent the value chain of the intellectual property. |
Music Ontology + | To publish and interlink a wide range of structured music-related data on the Web. The music ontology is used as an interlingua to facilitate interoperability among different music data sources. |
Musical Instrument Ontology + | University project |
Musician Ontology + | can be combined with other ontologies in the domain, to serve the use of semantic search engines. |
O | |
OWL-S + | OWL-S markup of Web services will facilitate the automation of Web service tasks, including automated Web service discovery, execution, composition and interoperation. |
OntoClean Meta-Property Ontology + | To express the constraints of the OntoClean ontology as OWL axioms. |
Ordered List Ontology + | To get rid of RDF sequences ;) and to enable typed sequences for special purposes, e.g. playlists |
P | |
Play Back Ontology + | Addresses concepts of a specific media domain, the play back domain. |
Process Specification Language (PSL) + | software interoperability, decision support |
Property Reification Vocabulary + | Enable reification descriptions on the vocabulary level. Can be used for ontology mapping. |
Q | |
QUDT: Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Types + | To meet the life-cycle needs of the Constellation Program engineering community at NASA. |
R | |
RRSO + | Knowledge on matching potential candidates … Knowledge on matching potential candidates' resumes with job opportunities descriptions has been created as a domain-specific, semantic, standard, machine-readable, and interoperable upper Resume Recommender System Ontology (RRSO), and its first version is introduced in this platform. The ontology produced in this research study consist of the most complete picture of the semantic knowledge by considering domain-specific concepts often used in a job candidate's resume (e.g. personal profile details, education information, work experience information, certifications, awards, competencies, etc.) with current conditions of the candidates and key processes in Job Recommendation Systems. RRSO is available in both English and Turkish as a knowledge base for semantically enhanced large and distributed electronic JRS systems. New versions of RRSO are still under development day by day and the updated versions will be shared on the shared public platform for other researchers. red public platform for other researchers. |
Recommendation Ontology + | For describing recommendations of all kinds. |
Resume Recommender System Ontology (RRSO) + | Resume Recommender System Ontology (RRSO) … Resume Recommender System Ontology (RRSO) approach is engineered to extract content from Turkish and English resumes. In this approach, both the semantic content and the syntactic analysis of a resume is taken in to account. Therefore, the system proposed involves Ontology. The aim of the ontology usage in our system is to produce the right matchings between both the job seeker and the employer. The ontology is developed using in OWL language and the Protégé ontology editor. Ontology can deduce and analyze certain features of a syntactic and unstructured job candidate resume, then semanticly match those resumes with the most appropriate job descriptions to present most suitable job recommendations. By the same logic, ontology can infer and analyze certain features of companies' job descriptions, then match them semantically with the potential resumes to present the most suitable candidates. s to present the most suitable candidates. |
S | |
SKOS + | To enable easy publication of controlled s … To enable easy publication of controlled structured vocabularies for the Semantic Web. SKOS provides a lightweight high level linking across multiple concepts. Use cases include: # An integrated view to medieval illuminated manuscripts, # Bio-zen ontology framework for representing scientific discourse in life science, #Semantic search service across mapped multilingual thesauri in the agriculture domainSemantic search service across mapped multilingual thesauri in the agriculture domain. ingual thesauri in the agriculture domain. |
SNomenclature Ontology + | his ontology has three main goals: act as … his ontology has three main goals: act as a bridge between the different application ontologies and domain ontologies; the second goal is implement one the new requirements as the disambiguate between the clinical drug/branded drug; the third functionality is act as the application ontology for the Semantic Nomenclature web-app logy for the Semantic Nomenclature web-app |
SRE - Sub-pixel Efficacy Region & SRI - Signal Resilient to Interpolation + | Make the community aware of the novel terms in signal-image interpolation |
Smart Product Description Object (SPDO) + | Describing physical products to realize personalized communications between different stakeholders and products |
W | |
Weighting Ontology + | To have a concept to describe weights not only with a value. |