To represent the encyclopedic knowledge expressed by an object typed as Olympics Olympics Encyclopedic Knowledge Pattern Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese Aldo Gangemi Valentina Presutti Relazione tra Olympics e American Football Player Relation between Olympics and American Football Player has American Football Player has Basketball Team Relazione tra Olympics e Basketball Team Relation between Olympics and Basketball Team television show émission de télévision fictional character personnage de fiction Relation between Olympics and Journalist has Journalist Relazione tra Olympics e Journalist maladie disease Relation between Olympics and Baseball Player has Baseball Player Relazione tra Olympics e Baseball Player élection Election has Television Show Relation between Olympics and Television Show Relazione tra Olympics e Television Show Relazione tra Olympics e Hotel Relation between Olympics and Hotel has Hotel american football player joueur de football américain cycliste cyclist has Drug Relation between Olympics and Drug Relazione tra Olympics e Drug Relazione tra Olympics e Cyclist has Cyclist Relation between Olympics and Cyclist has Book Relazione tra Olympics e Book Relation between Olympics and Book has School Relation between Olympics and School Relazione tra Olympics e School astronaute astronaut Astronaut Relation between Olympics and Bird Relazione tra Olympics e Bird has Bird ligue de basketball basketball league wrestler lutteur maire mayor amphibian amphibien Relation between Olympics and Soccer Club Relazione tra Olympics e Soccer Club has Soccer Club has Tennis Player Relation between Olympics and Tennis Player Relazione tra Olympics e Tennis Player senator sénateur Relazione tra Olympics e Rugby League Relation between Olympics and Rugby League has Rugby League chanson song newspaper journal aire protégée προστατευμένη περιοχή protected area jeu game route road has Aircraft Relation between Olympics and Aircraft Relazione tra Olympics e Aircraft Relazione tra Olympics e World Heritage Site has World Heritage Site Relation between Olympics and World Heritage Site book llibre książka βιβλίο livre boxer boxeur Relazione tra Olympics e Video Game Relation between Olympics and Video Game has Video Game site du patrimoine mondial World Heritage Site Relazione tra Olympics e Award has Award Relation between Olympics and Award Relazione tra Olympics e Wrestler has Wrestler Relation between Olympics and Wrestler has Skyscraper Relation between Olympics and Skyscraper Relazione tra Olympics e Skyscraper Relazione tra Olympics e Airport Relation between Olympics and Airport has Airport station spatiale space station non-profit organisation organisation à but non lucratif has Mountain Range Relation between Olympics and Mountain Range Relazione tra Olympics e Mountain Range ligue de rugby rugby league governor gouverneur médicament drug rivière river magazine περιοδικό magazine école school museum musée tennis player joueur de tennis 1 Relazione tra Olympics e Architect has Architect Relation between Olympics and Architect video game jeux vidéo syndicat professionnel trade union military person militaire has Game Relation between Olympics and Game Relazione tra Olympics e Game Relazione tra Olympics e Legislature has Legislature Relation between Olympics and Legislature award récompense has College Coach Relazione tra Olympics e College Coach Relation between Olympics and College Coach prime minister premier ministre site historique historic place race course has Music Genre Relation between Olympics and Music Genre Relazione tra Olympics e Music Genre anatomical structure structure anatomique Relation between Olympics and Beverage has Beverage Relazione tra Olympics e Beverage has Space Station Relazione tra Olympics e Space Station Relation between Olympics and Space Station Relazione tra Olympics e Governor has Governor Relation between Olympics and Governor Relation between Olympics and Amphibian has Amphibian Relazione tra Olympics e Amphibian Relation between Olympics and Bridge has Bridge Relazione tra Olympics e Bridge album Album album Relation between Olympics and Race Relazione tra Olympics e Race has Race hotel hôtel Relazione tra Olympics e Election has Election Relation between Olympics and Election entraîneur universitaire college coach Relazione tra Olympics e Museum Relation between Olympics and Museum has Museum entraîneur de football soccer manager basketball team has Comics Creator Relazione tra Olympics e Comics Creator Relation between Olympics and Comics Creator ligue d'hockey sur glace ice hockey league has Plant Relation between Olympics and Plant Relazione tra Olympics e Plant Relation between Olympics and Boxer Relazione tra Olympics e Boxer has Boxer club de football soccer club genre musical music genre género musical Relazione tra Olympics e Formula One Racer Relation between Olympics and Formula One Racer has Formula One Racer écrivain writer has Ice Hockey Player Relazione tra Olympics e Ice Hockey Player Relation between Olympics and Ice Hockey Player joueur de baseball baseball player architecte architect Relation between Olympics and Protected Area has Protected Area Relazione tra Olympics e Protected Area has Historic Place Relazione tra Olympics e Historic Place Relation between Olympics and Historic Place has Disease Relation between Olympics and Disease Relazione tra Olympics e Disease Relation between Olympics and Non- Profit Organisation Relazione tra Olympics e Non- Profit Organisation has Non- Profit Organisation Relazione tra Olympics e Newspaper Relation between Olympics and Newspaper has Newspaper has Nascar Driver Relation between Olympics and Nascar Driver Relazione tra Olympics e Nascar Driver joueur de basketball basketball player joueur de hockey sur glace ice hockey player Relation between Olympics and Trade Union has Trade Union Relazione tra Olympics e Trade Union évêque chrétien Christian Bishop has Senator Relazione tra Olympics e Senator Relation between Olympics and Senator mountain range chaîne de montagne boisson beverage Relation between Olympics and Album has Album Relazione tra Olympics e Album chancelier chancellor Relation between Olympics and Mayor has Mayor Relazione tra Olympics e Mayor comics creator créateur de bandes dessinées Relazione tra Olympics e Hockey Team Relation between Olympics and Hockey Team has Hockey Team Relazione tra Olympics e Soccer Manager Relation between Olympics and Soccer Manager has Soccer Manager avion aircraft αεροσκάφος has Ice Hockey League Relazione tra Olympics e Ice Hockey League Relation between Olympics and Ice Hockey League has Writer Relazione tra Olympics e Writer Relation between Olympics and Writer hockey team équipe de hockey has Basketball League Relation between Olympics and Basketball League Relazione tra Olympics e Basketball League soccer player joueur de football has Chancellor Relazione tra Olympics e Chancellor Relation between Olympics and Chancellor has Fictional Character Relation between Olympics and Fictional Character Relazione tra Olympics e Fictional Character Relation between Olympics and Prime Minister Relazione tra Olympics e Prime Minister has Prime Minister Relation between Olympics and Chemical Compound Relazione tra Olympics e Chemical Compound has Chemical Compound Relation between Olympics and Airline has Airline Relazione tra Olympics e Airline has Soccer Player Relation between Olympics and Soccer Player Relazione tra Olympics e Soccer Player has Member Of Parliament Relazione tra Olympics e Member Of Parliament Relation between Olympics and Member Of Parliament reptile reptile Relazione tra Olympics e Song Relation between Olympics and Song has Song legislature pouvoir législatif has Reptile Relation between Olympics and Reptile Relazione tra Olympics e Reptile Relation between Olympics and Military Person has Military Person Relazione tra Olympics e Military Person Relazione tra Olympics e Basketball Player Relation between Olympics and Basketball Player has Basketball Player compagnie aérienne airline Relazione tra Olympics e Astronaut Relation between Olympics and Astronaut has Astronaut has Anatomical Structure Relation between Olympics and Anatomical Structure Relazione tra Olympics e Anatomical Structure olympics Jeux Olympiques Relation between Olympics and Magazine has Magazine Relazione tra Olympics e Magazine pont bridge pilote de la nascar nascar driver journalist journaliste plant plante Relazione tra Olympics e Road Relation between Olympics and Road has Road Relation between Olympics and River has River Relazione tra Olympics e River has Christian Bishop Relazione tra Olympics e Christian Bishop Relation between Olympics and Christian Bishop oiseau bird produit chimique chemical compound gratte-ciel skyscraper Formula One racer pilote de formule 1 member of parliament membre du Parlement aéroport Flughafen airport